TROY — Saturday’s East Side will see no electricity as National Grid works on improvements, officials announced Friday.

This outage will impact 1,041 customers living and working along Congress Street, Pawling Avenues, Pinewoods Avenues, Spring Avenue and other nearby streets. It will last from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.

National Grid delayed the planned outage by one week at the request city officials. This was due to concerns over the cold weather. Carmella Mantello, the City Council President, asked National Grid to delay the outage until a “warmer day” to ensure that residents who are not signed up for notifications, the disabled, seniors citizens, and children don’t miss this notification and are not in danger.

Mayor Patrick Madden’s office stated that the utility is closely monitoring the weather. According to the mayor’s office, these improvements will make the electrical system more resistant to blackout.

To ensure that traffic flows through impacted intersections, city police will be present.