“As Long As We’re Wild” is one of the tracks on Kim Fisher’s new album. If you should add to the sentence, then maybe with “it doesn’t matter whether we’re 30 or 50”. When asked if 50 is the new 30, she replies quite clearly: “No, definitely not. Maybe you can stay healthy and fit for longer by drinking oat milk, but I think the serenity only really came twenty years ago, at the age of 50.”
The riverboat presenter already notices her 53 years, but in a positive way: “Today I’m more me. I used to be made up of lots of individual parts that didn’t really fit together.” That’s hard to believe from the self-confident native of Berlin.
What does this background do to a person? “If I hadn’t been born in Berlin, I would probably be intimidated by the city because it’s so loud, so busy, so great. Berlin really gives everything.” She is convinced that this is where her “incredibly big snout” comes from, as well as her incredibly great warmth. This is how she explains why some things come out with force in front of the camera, although she is actually a reserved person. “To overshoot the mark, dit is Berlin.”
So it’s fitting that at her age she’s now realized how beneficial directness can be: “Life doesn’t have a reset button, so I don’t want to waste time with cloaked politeness. I’m still practicing though. Because I’m generally a very polite person. Just being polite doesn’t get you very far.” When she was 18, her parents separated. 30 years later, they divorced and married their respective partners within two weeks. “And I wore the same dress to both weddings.”
Maybe she wanted to do justice because she thinks both of her stepparents are great. That almost sounds like a song concept. She took an active part in the songs on her album, lines and stories are her own, and sometimes she spontaneously developed melodies for the harmonies, which were then taken. She obviously had a lot of fun creating the sound and the musical dress. She is particularly proud of “I’m here”, a song she sings together with Peter Plate von Rosenstolz. Numbers like “First Love” or “First Time” also express joie de vivre.
The album “Was fürs Leben” will be released on July 22nd, shortly afterwards she will be a guest of Florian Silbereisen on the hit comeback show and is already looking forward to it. The fact that she temporarily changes from interviewer to interviewee for the promotional tour doesn’t bother her either, on the contrary: “This way I develop a much greater sensitivity for all situations.”