25.07.2022, Kanada, Langley: Polizeibeamte unterhalten sich vor einem Zelt, das eine Leiche am Tatort abdeckt. Bei Schüssen in der westkanadischen Stadt Langley hat es nach Polizeiangaben «mehrere Opfer» gegeben. Foto: Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

At least three people, including the alleged perpetrator, have died as a result of gunshots in the western Canadian city of Langley. The man probably shot at least four people early Monday morning (local time) in various places in the city with around 25,000 inhabitants near the metropolis of Vancouver, the police said.

Two of the people who were shot are dead, two seriously injured. A suspect was later found and shot dead by the police after an argument. According to initial information, the man probably acted alone.