Science At the Tower of London, which, during the middle ages it was transformed from a royal palace to a prison – archaeologists have found the 500-year-old skeletons of a woman and a child were discovered. Just died, and I don’t like staatsgevangene, and not as a princess or a queen. Who were they, then?”

The so-called Tower was in the middle ages and in the history books as one of the most notorious execution site of the high-ranking people. Thus, in the 16th century, no fewer than three queens were executed: Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard and Jane Grey. Then they were decapitated body to be buried in the royal chapel of saint. Peter ad Vincula.

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Only died in the two – a woman about 40 years old, and a 7-year-old girl who had recently been dug up, not by murder. Their skeletons are, after all, are the first to be fully, head down, were dug up in the London campus.


Lying on their backs with their feet towards the east, thus the woman and the girl have been found. That’s an indication that they are followers of christianity were. In addition, it turned out that the woman was in the coffin, was buried – there were, after all, some of the fasteners in the vicinity of the skeleton were found. The girl was in some kind of cloth wrapped around. The characteristics that archaeologists and historians are almost immediately linked to the end of the middle ages and the Tudor dynasty. Likely to have died in the two-between 1450 and 1550, when the Rozenoorlogen.

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