The UPDATE is In the United States of america, the House of Representatives just decided to do it impeachmentonderzoek against the president when He is open to throw it, so that millions of Americans are able to judge whether or not He have power and have abused it for their own political gain. This is going to be the impeachment procedure of a new phase. “Today, the House is the next step forward,” said the Democratic speaker, Nancy Pelosi.

Intended to in addition to that, the resolution just adopted to make clear whether the Home-department the documents should be retained, depositions, and can prevent process in addition to it may be put, and the House of Representatives might continue to be out of town.In addition, Trumps the lawyers are in one committee, that of Justice, to engage in the interview.

please also Read the Important passages have been omitted from the transcript, phone call Home, and the Ukrainian president, said a witness

The voting results will prove the great political divide over the inquiry. None of the 194 Republican, voted for the resolution, which provides that, among other things, the public hoorzettingen to come. Also, two of the Democrats who voted against it. 231 Democrats, and 1 independent representative voted for it. Four members abstained from the vote.