21/01/20 the history of the Chinese in the ranks of the KGB: the main war criminals of the Civil war
the Chinese with the October revolution he actively participated in the events in Russia. We face them on all fronts of the Civil war, white was consistently amazed at the brutality of the Asian “internationalists”.
the Chinese Participation in the Civil war
the Bolsheviks were able to attract the Chinese hired workers, which was quite a lot throughout the Russian Empire by them in the years of the First world war he replaced went to the front Russian men. With the king against the aliens acted with discriminatory laws, therefore, abolished the Soviet government could count on the support of yesterday’s migrant workers.
In one of the editions of the “Short course history of the CPSU(b)” is mentioned the participation in the Russian Civil war 40 thousand Chinese, however, according to historian Dmitry Suvorov, this figure is significantly understated.
Propaganda whites actively used the support of the Chinese Bolsheviks to create an image of the enemy. On the one hand, it gave rise to talk that the Reds are fighting “non-Russian hands” on the other – emphasized the “Asiatic” character of the Communist regime.
the Chinese in the Cheka
Much of what I saw white in the liberated areas, really shocked.. Established in South Russia Denikin’s Special investigative Commission to investigate the atrocities of the Bolsheviks have recorded many crimes committed in the “Hatami”.
the Chinese staff of the local Cheka had used sophisticated torture used in traditional East Asia. For example, in Kharkov the hostages cut off their noses and lips cut women breast and male sex organs. The white guard investigators wrote that the torture “by the pain exceeded the available human imagination”.
“People remember with horror the atrocities of the Bolshevik “Cheka”, raging with the arrival in Kherson two toitaitsev, specialists in torture, preparirovania people alive, removing the skin from the legs and arms, stykovka pins under the nails,” – said in a report to the Commission.
Some of the more unsightly evidence, for example, that the Chinese sell in the markets of human flesh, through the white print came in those years to foreign media.
the Chinese punitive
death squads made up of Chinese (Cony) also differed special cruelty. On a huge white caricature of leaflets punitive depicted typical people with braids and narrow slit eyes.
“the punitive Bolshevik detachments of Latvians and Chinese forcibly taken bread, devastate villages and shoot peasants,” reads the caption under one of these posters.
at times white learned from local people about these atrocities.
“Breaking into the village, a wild Horde seized and shot accidentally remaining Cossacks looted homes, raped women. For example, the Minister’s wife was raped in front of her husband and two children eight Chinese” – recalled the events of spring 1918 in the village of Akhtanizovskaya Cossack Nicholas Guly.
the Chinese “rescued” in cases where other red army could not cross through their conscience. As an example, can gain the fate of Archpriest John Vostorgov, who was shot by the Chinese, who, unlike Russian, did not impress the preaching of the Martyr.
not surprisingly, the Cossacks in the don army began to arrest all Chinese people, sending them to the “link”. The attempts of the Chinese Embassy to find out the location of “links” to anything did not lead. Often white shot “Asian butchers” without trial.
far East
Even worse was the situation in the Russian far East, where since the late nineteenth century rampaged numerous Chinese bandits-hunghutz. During the Civil war, they began to create red partisans. Hunghutz perceived Communist propaganda, however, knew her, obviously, very original way. For example, according to the researcher Dmitry Yershov, in the spring of 1920 white said residents of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, which the red Army command has promised to give the Chinese Russian girls.
After the Civil war most of the Chinese red army left Russian cities and returned home.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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