champion of Russia on Boxing in a weight category to 81 kg George Kushitashvili was arrested by members of Regardie while trying to get the drugs. During the arrest, the boxer showed resistance to law enforcement officers.
Telegram-channel “112” reported that Giorgi Sesitashvili and his friend, also a boxer Hovik Hovhannisyan were detained after the attack on the employee of Regardie. A 24-year-old Kushitashvili was found a packet of an unknown substance, which can be a drug.
Boxers came to the house on the Frunze quay and went to the entrance where lay the bookmark. At this time, they were seen by the staff of Regardie. Kushitashvili resisted and broke the nose of one of the employees. Both athletes were arrested. The punishments for possession and transportation of narcotic drugs, and Kushitashvili – the time for resisting arrest.
Secretary General of Federation of Boxing of Russia Umar Kremlev told TASS that the incident will be considered his organization. If the facts are true, boxers waiting for severe punishment. The head coach of the national team of Russia on Boxing Victor Farkhutdinov said that he had no claims to Kushitashvili and Oganisjana part of the discipline. Both fighters had to go to Italy for the tournament.