In the house of Commons, new elections for december 12. The law in that sense, tonight was approved with the support of the opposition. It was the British prime minister, Boris Johnson, who, in order to re-election had been called because of the brexit agreement with the European Union, and not by the parliament. Johnson hopes to recover from the vote to come in and deal, and then still be able to run it.
The law, which is the date of record on the 12th of december, tonight was approved with 438 votes in favour, 20 votes against it. As a rule, the dissolution of the parliament, with a two-thirds majority was needed, but he brought to the government yesterday not to. Therefore, the government has today released a special proposal to the date of the next election to change it. The proposal was for only a simple majority is needed, but it was so, even though a majority of two-thirds.
See also the Uk parliament has rejected a general election on the 12th of december, but Boris Johnson is trying it now
this Morning it showed the largest opposition party, Labour, to know that they are not against the elections are completed, after the EU had to be assured that they will delay was granted for the brexit to be at the latest the 31st of January. Labour refused to be before you agree to go on with the elections out of fear that Johnson was in the United Kingdom, however, without the consent of the european union guide to the 31st of October.
Amendments to be rejected
the debate in the house of Commons this afternoon, tried members of parliament from the opposition to the act and to make amendments. In the course of various parties that are also EU citizens, can vote for your favourite, as are the 16 – and 17-year-olds. The amendments in this sense were not, however, be accepted. An amendment proposed by Labour in order to bring forward the date for the 9th of december, and was accepted in the debate, however, by a majority, voted out of office.
As many of the students during the week of Monday, december 9, at their parents ‘ home for the holidays, and wanted Labour’s vote at the beginning of the week. The students are, in most cases, be registered in order to vote in the place where they make the school run. A date for the start of the week, it would be in their line of reasoning, therefore, more students will have the opportunity to cast a vote.
The Tories would prefer to be on Thursday the 12th of december, and got their start in the home. Next week, parliament will be dissolved, and the campaign to really get down to business.
Just saw this, that there may be no elections were to be: 10 Downing Street, and threatened them with the bill to be withdrawn, if the parliament’s amendments regarding voting rights for EU citizens and young people to be successful, it would accept them. So that’s what happened ultimately.
the Ten party members admitted to
in the Meantime, the Conservative party, ten members of parliament, that they are more likely to come from the party and was admitted. The ten have been a couple of weeks ago, along with eleven others on the side, because they are contrary to the wishes of the government were voted in to be a hard-brexit is to be avoided.Ten of them, among whom were Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Winstons Churchill, decided to go with the group to return.
Some other leading rebels, such as Dominic Grieve, Oliver Letwin, Ken Clarke and Philip Hammond, will continue for now, as an independent seat in the parliament.