Weapons 22/12/19 That the king of Britain gave to Stalin after the victory in Stalingrad
This unique weapon was given to Joseph Stalin by the British king George VI in honor of the victory in the battle of Stalingrad. Stalingrad Georg called “strong as steel”, and this inscription engraved on a two-handed sword.
the Weapons of the crusaders
the plot of a short English film “Stalingrad receives the king’s sword” (1944) shows a ceremony of this sword before konferenciyu Tehran November 1943. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave Stalin a double-edged sword (The Sword of Stalingrad), forged a sword, which belonged to the crusaders.
According to the British press, the sword is made of about three months, the best gunsmiths of England. A sketch performed at the Oxford Professor of fine arts Richard Gleadow, forged weapons Tom Beasley and Sid rose, the famous inscription, “the Citizens of Stalingrad, strong as steel, from George VI in token of the homage of the British people” in Russian and English engraved British expert on Slavic iconography Ellis Howell Minns, calligrapher Mervyn C. Oliver and silversmith Leslie George. Durban. As a material for a 36-inch sword used high quality Sheffield steel. The British king himself watched the process of making a gift of weapons.
sword of the Crusader model is unique among the other exhibits of the Russian memorial complexes. Silver garde – stylized leopard’s head, the hilt trimmed with gold braid, the head of the arm is decorated with crystal Tudor rose. On leather sword sheath has a silver plated British coat of arms, crown and monogram. In addition, the scabbard have silver linings, the master placed the five-pointed ruby star.
the Ceremony of
In the film “Stalingrad receives the king’s sword” depicts the triumphanttion ceremony of this weapon. Location – where in 1943 and held a meeting of heads of States of the Big three.
the Ceremony was held at the Soviet mission in Tehran when honorary Soviet-British guard (22 Soviet officers and 16 British) and under the national anthems of Britain and the Soviet Union, the orchestra alternately played the “Internationale” and “God save the king”. Churchill handed Stalin the sword and assured the Generalissimo that the British people admire the courage and bravery of Soviet people victory in the battle of Stalingrad. The British press published a photo of Stalin kissing a sheathed sword. Generalissimo thanked for the gift and handed the weapon to Franklin Roosevelt. That, in turn, looking at the inscription said, that the heart of Stalingrad is really made of steel.
Further, according to historians, there was a small incident, Stalin handed the sword to the Kliment Voroshilov, and that it did not hold the blade sprang from its sheath, and Voroshilov caught it on the fly.
In fact, four of them
As reported on the official website of the manufacturer of this sword Wilkinson Sword, legendary weapons have three copies, they are the exhibits of the Museum Wilkinson (WA), the London-based Centre of swords and the South African National Museum of military history. A gift copy is kept in the Volgograd Museum of the battle of Stalingrad.
In the 50-ies of The Sword of Stalingrad several times visited in the UK – it as the exhibit was shown at international exhibitions.
Journalists of the popular British newspaper the Independent visited the Museum-panorama “battle of Stalingrad” (it 125 among the exhibits is the famous sword) and spoke with the Deputy Director of the state institutions of culture Boris Usik. The tendril frankly admitted that for him personally, when compared with The great Sword of Stalingrad, much more expensive as exhibits everyday objects of a soldier’s everyday life period of the battle of Stalingrad – cigarette cases, lighters, notebooks: retain the energy, the breath of the time.
Boris Usik lamented that many of the rarities, particularly military medals and orders, instead of to take its place on Museum stands, have become the subject of sale. However, Independent pledges: gift of George VI this fate does not threaten: it’s too expensive and marked exhibit to be quietly to sell.
Nicholas Syromyatnikov
© Russian Seven
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