29.06.2022, Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart: Thomas Strobl (CDU), Innenminister von Baden-Württemberg, nimmt im Plenarsaal des Landtags von Baden-Württemberg an einer öffentlichen Anhörung zur sexuellen Belästigung in Landesbehörden teil. Foto: Marijan Murat/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Baden-Württemberg’s Minister of the Interior Thomas Strobl (CDU) has admitted mistakes in the course of the affair about a lawyer’s letter that was passed on. Strobl told the “Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung” (Friday): “Sometimes there are things that are wiser in hindsight. I don’t even want to deny that. Mistakes can happen, nobody is free from them.”

Incidentally, there are people who are primarily concerned with what mistakes others make. “I am concerned with advancing the state of Baden-Württemberg.”

The background is investigations against the highest-ranking police officer in the country, the police inspector, for sexual harassment. He’s suspended from duty. The man is said to have sexually harassed a colleague. Strobl is also indirectly under pressure because of the matter – he passed on a letter from the inspector’s lawyer to a journalist.