History 29/01/20 Some white officers live to see the end of Communist rule
From the combat generals of the White movement later died major General of the don army, Michael Khripunov, who died in 1983 in Jerusalem. Unlike senior officers, many officers and enlisted whites had a chance in life to see what they were fighting for – the end of the Soviet regime.
White colonels
a Lot of biographies of whites-centenarians can be found in the dictionary Evgeny Alexandrov “Russian North America” and in the database of the historian Sergei Volkov, “the Participants of the White movement”.
Among veterans of the Civil war, the eyes saw the collapse of the Soviet Union, particularly the figure of Alexander Brazos – Colonel of the Imperial army, who died in new Hampshire in 1993, at the age of 100 years. Descended from the nobility of Poltava province, in the years of the First world war Brazol ‘ fought in the ranks of the life guard Cuirassier regiment. In 1918 he joined the Volunteer army of Denikin was shot in the head. In 1920 he was evacuated from the Crimea to Constantinople. Abroad Colonel had to work as a chauffeur, a taxi driver, a draftsman, a teacher of riding.
“the last time he celebrated the regimental holiday July 4, 1992 in his family, as more soldiers remained alive. The deceased was a member of all the military organizations was the Association of Russian cadets of the cadet corps by attending parties and meetings, in service days, while he was in the forces”, — was stated in the obituary Bruzolo in the magazine “Cadet roll.”
Another Colonel of the White army, Konstantin Fedorovich Reinhart also lived for exactly 100 years. He died at the “edge” of the Soviet era in 1991. Reinhart had the opportunity to participate in the First world war and in the battles of the Civil war in the South of Russia. In France and the United States the Colonel was engaged in banking. He retired in 1981and the last 10 years he lived at the Tolstoy farm, new Jersey.
the officers
Officers of lower rank who lived until 1991 known better.
for Example, in the summer of 1993 in Detroit died captain Boris Mihailovich Ivanov, participant of the First Kuban (Ice) campaign in 1918, subsequently, the Chairman of the Russian military Union.
Until 1999, lived Lieutenant of horse artillery of the Russian army of Wrangel Vasily Matusow, author of “the White movement in Southern Russia”. In exile, he lived in Yugoslavia, Austria and the United States.
One of the most remarkable lives among the officers of the White army he lived Konstantin Zverevskii (in the monk Seraphim). He was born in the Ukrainian town of Proskurov in 1899. He graduated in 1917 Sergievsky artillery school, fought on the Romanian front the First world war. During the Civil war he studied at the officers ‘ school, he participated in the battles in Northern Tavria. Monasticism Zverevskii adopted after the Second world war. In 1957, he became Bishop of Caracas and Venezuela, and has held this Department for 27 years. In recent years he lived in the monastery of Novo-Diveevo in the United States.
“Emigration for all the word terrible and bitter — confessed former white guard. – I passed almost all the stages: Constantinople, çatalca, Lemnos, Bulgaria, Belgium, America. I’m from the first “wave” of Russians who lost first Russia, then buried on the wrong side of the remnants of the army and the last thing with tears and bitterness was perceived by each of us — hope for a speedy return home.”
When 94-year-old Archbishop was asked about the situation in post-Soviet Russia, he replied:
“the Fact that now in Russia is not smooth, so everything takes time and patience. And need love. This is a first.”
Like other whites 74 years after the revolution took the collapse of the Soviet Union, is unknown. Overall, however, the mood in the immigrant environment, as can be judged according to press reports the beginning of 1992, was controversial. OverIDI on the democratic transformation in Russia combined with the grief from the loss of vast territories.
last one?
currently, apparently, all have died in the Civil war in Russia, which ended 97 years ago. Meanwhile, it is not known who can be called “the last guard”. According to one, it was a don ataman Nikolai Fedorov (1901-2003 years), others died in 2010 in Argentina 105-year-old Vladimir Shostak, who, while still a schoolboy, fought in Poland in 1920.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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