History 07/02/20 Which the prisoners were sitting in the German concentration camps in the best conditions
In the Nazi concentration camps besides the Jews, Gypsies, destroyed solely because of their ethnicity, were held captive by Soviet prisoners, undesirables to the Nazi regime, citizens from different corners of Europe and even the Germans.
the Reason for getting into the fascist clutches of the Europeans might be their political unreliability, dissent, rejection of the nationalist program of the Third Reich, participation in Resistance movements, as well as homosexuality, adherence to religious sects, alarmism and criminal offense.
the category of “subhumans”
the Historian Vladimir Rodionov described that in the Nazi camps strictly adhered to the principle of racial segregation, according to which all prisoners in presence of an “Aryan compound” is divided into four categories. The first group were political prisoners of German origin, and the second consisted of representatives of the Nordic peoples (Danes, Norwegians, Swedes, Dutch), the third United immigrants from southern Europe (French, Italians, Belgians), in the fourth got the inhabitants of all Slavic countries (Russian, Czechs, poles, Slovaks).
According to a former prisoner of the concentration camp of Aron Shneer, the Nazis, distributing in the camps of Soviet prisoners of war, took into account their nationality as sharply negative attitude to immigrants from Central Asian republics and the Caucasus.
David Levin in the article “Who are the national socialists” noted that the propagandists of Hitler came up with for each nation swear nicknames. “Degenerate tribe of the plutocrats,” they called the English, the “Negroid” called the French, the Italians were with them “tainted blood and poisoned souls”, and the Turks, Romanians and Hungarians were called “monkeys”.
depending on which category were prisoners, they were suitable fortoumei attitude.
In the most privileged prisoners were “of Aryan descent”.
In the “Military encyclopedia” edited by S. Ivanov noted that the first concentration camp, Dachau, was opened by the Nazis in 1933 near Munich. Originally it served as a place of detention of German citizens expressing anti-fascist or Communist views, disliked by the clergy, prostitutes, drug addicts, mentally ill, antisocial personalities and supporters of same-sex love.
the idea of the authorities, persons who do not take “advanced Nazi ideology” and denigrates the moral character of the Nordic race, had to leave the camp after passing the “course re-education”, but later they stayed in it, because the war has exposed the problem of lack of workers. So the German prisoners became servile workaholic, which, however, were paid meager wages, allowing them to make purchases in the camp shop. As the productivity of their labour is directly dependent on power, the leadership provided prisoners with a diet, almost as good as the menu of the Germans who were on the outside and fought on the battlefield.
Among the German prisoners more rights were granted criminal elements, who were appointed to the camp self-government, helping officers to monitor political prisoners, to restore order and to mock other peoples.
To the Western Europeans that the Nazis just wanted to remake in their own way, not destroy, the Nazis were treated worse than German prisoners, but more loyal than to the Soviet prisoners, Jews and Gypsies.
the French, the Austrians, the Dutch and the British, working in the camps, earning from 10 to 40 pfennigs a day, which was spent in the camp store.
a Former Buchenwald inmate albert van Dijk told us that in the confines of this concentration camp operated a public house, the entrance to which was allowed only from the first three the above categories of people.
the Cost of one visit to specmark was 2 REICHSMARK. Some have collected this amount, equal to ten days income, self, and other paid services of prostitutes from the proceeds of the house because the European prisoners had a right to such money transfers.
the Initiator of the opening within the camp brothels were one of the ideologists of fascism Heinrich Himmler, who believed that sensory discharge in their walls should contribute to improving the efficiency and productivity of the prisoner.
in the summer of 1943 sitting behind barbed wire, the Europeans, under the mediation of the red cross acquired the possibility to receive parcels with food and clothing. Such privileges as he writes in the book “Daily life of the Nazi concentration camps” Stanislav Aristov, was given only to Western Europeans, while dying of hunger and exhaustion Jews, Gypsies and Soviet prisoners could not even think about this luxury.
the Red Cross also supplied in a concentration camp rations, consisting of sugar, bouillon cubes, goulash, soups, cigarettes and other delicacies.
a Former prisoner of Dachau, the Belgian Ludo van Eeckhout described that the first recipients of food aid from international humanitarian organizations have become the prisoners of France. In his memoirs, “That was Dachau” has the lines: “Everyone crowded around the French. Examining the contents of parcels: 1 kg beans, 1 kg sugar, sardines and cigarettes. Cigarettes, the camp was worth its weight in gold.”
the British camp Stalag 18A were carrying cameras and free labor service time imprinted on the frame of slave life, providing historians an important photographic archive.
Ashkhen Avanesova
© Russian Seven
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