In view of the sharp rise in energy prices, Berlin’s schoolchildren should also save energy. However: In the cold season, regular ventilation in schools is still popular – because of the corona pandemic.
This emerges from the Senate’s response to a written request from CDU MP Katharina Günther-Wünsch. The education policy spokeswoman for the CDU parliamentary group wanted to know how rising energy costs are affecting schools in Berlin.
There are no plans to offer more hybrid or online courses because of the energy crisis, as the education administration announced in its reply. “The corona pandemic has made it clear how important school is for children and young people and their parents as a place to learn and live.”
Restricting the right to lessons because of rising energy costs is therefore not intended. There should also be no cancellation of lessons to save electricity and heating costs: “The school will continue to operate.”
However, the administration announces a “close-meshed energy management” in order to “limit somewhat” the costs. And everyone should contribute to that. The educational staff and the pupils should be made aware of the need to keep an eye on energy consumption.
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According to the education administration, they should switch off the light when leaving the room for a long time, not waste hot water, not leave electrical devices in standby mode and close windows and doors. However, with exceptions: “Regular airing will also be one of the numerous preventive measures to contain the corona pandemic in the coming autumn/winter.”