The lack of discussion has a direct impact on the living environment of students. It leads to gender-specific discrimination, and for many students it is almost impossible to develop freely in the school context.
Let’s look at the textbooks. An example is a history book from 2017. There we only find sources and factual texts by and about white cis men on the topic of equality. However, school materials should be designed from multiple perspectives, and respectful handling in the school context should be ensured.
There should also be many more advanced and further training opportunities for teachers on gender and diversity.
About my students: There is motivation and curiosity about the topic. They often still lack the knowledge of how to integrate this theoretically and didactically into a teaching concept. But I also observe that some have already dealt with it in detail.
Individual modules can be transferred to other subjects, such as biology and social studies. By the way, the lesson plans and modules can be found on our internet platform queerhistory@FU-Berlin.
We also set up buffer zones in case discriminatory behavior occurs, to identify any issues that may arise. This worst case scenario has only happened once so far.
The city tours are also used privately – for birthdays or other events with friends. I keep getting that from inquiries and feedback. We want to further develop the city tours technically: In order to be able to offer them as apps for mobile devices.