History 08/01/20 Rudolf Hess: why Gorbachev wanted to release the last leader of the Third Reich
In 1986, for the first time Rudolf Hess in Spandau prison, the Soviet government raised the question of the release of co-author of “Mein Kampf”. According to plan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Rudolf Hess was to be released in the fall of 1987. But, oddly enough, thanks to Gorbachev, Hess said goodbye to his life. Therefore, the ex-Deputy Fuhrer is sometimes called a “victim of perestroika.”
Who was Rudolf Hess?
According to the certificate of the 5th Department of gugb NKVD of the USSR, the text of which is given in the publication “Aggression. Declassified documents of the foreign intelligence service of the Russian Federation” (under the editorship of Leo Sotskov), Rudolf Hess was “a simple transmitter of orders of Hitler”, as well as excellent executor of the will of the Fuhrer. In the circles of the Abwehr was believed that Hess, as a politician, is absolute zero. However, modern historians are more inclined to think that Hess had a tremendous influence on Hitler, and not Vice versa.
So, Piknet Lynn and the other authors of the publication “the Unknown Hess” referring to the former interpreter of the Fuhrer’s Deputy for party James Murphy reported that a large part of the works “Mein Kampf” was written by Hess. Some historians believe that, most likely, Rudolf Hess was not only a colleague, but the only real friend of Hitler. However, in the beginning of the Second World war, the Nazi leader of Germany began to doubt the loyalty of his friend, and in key positions appointed very different people.
the Fate of Hess after the flight
However, these doubts were soon confirmed. In may 1941 Rudolf Hess, allegedly on his own initiative he flew to Britain for peace talks. However, there is a theory that Hitler knew about the flights. And, according to Nikolay says: in his book “100 great mysteries of the Second world war”, Sam Hess claimed that he has never betrayed, and tried to save Germany and Hitler from danger, predicted by the astrologer Ludwig Schmidt. Anyway, Rudolf Hess was captured and returned home only in 1945.
It was then in Nuremberg took place on the legendary trial of Nazi war criminals. According to Zoe resurrection, the author of the book “Under the pseudonym Irina,” defended Rudolf Hess a prominent lawyer Alfred SACL. However SACL was powerless: Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment. The punishment of the ex-Deputy Fuhrer was serving in West Berlin prison of Spandau. It was there that in August 1987, Hess, according to the official version, committed suicide. However, many historians suggest that Rudolf Hess was murdered.
Failed release
as one of the evidence that Rudolf Hess, who, at the time of his death had already served more than 40 years, died not on their own, some researchers cite the fact that shortly before the death of Nazi Mikhail Gorbachev proposed to release the last prisoner in Spandau. According to Bernard Hutton, author of “the Secret mission of Rudolf Hess” for the first time Gorbachev, supposedly guided by humane considerations, raised this question in 1986. According to Hutton, the Secretary General thus sought to show other countries “humanity of the new course” of the USSR. That is why Rudolf Hess is sometimes called a “victim of perestroika.”
the fact that Gorbachev really could release Nazi to freedom, as leadership of the international prison Spandau monthly passed from one ally to another. Therefore, the “action” was scheduled for the fall of 1987, i.e. the period of the chairmanship in Sangau of the Soviet Union. However, until the fall of Rudolf Hess did not live in August, he was found dead. Armen Gasparyan, the author of the book “Russia and Germany. Friends or foes?”, confidently declares that the British government (namely, to England, Hess landed in 1941) feared that ally of Hitler will not be silent, and simply eliminate unnecessary witness.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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