Biography 21/01/20 Robert Klasson: what happened to the man who was introduced to Lenin and Krupskaya
a Pair of Krupskaya-Lenin famous all over the world. Still about family relationships between spouses go legendary all sorts of gossip. However, few know that they met thanks to Robert Classone. This name is now almost forgotten. Meanwhile, Klasson made a huge contribution to the electrification of Russia.
Marxist group
Robert Eduardovich Klasson was born in 1868 in Kiev in the family of a doctor. In 1886 he graduated from the first Kiev gymnasium and then at the competition he entered the St. Petersburg technological Institute. In the years of study at the Institute Klasson was an active Marxist. He even organized his revolutionary society and enjoyed great prestige among young people. As recalled Nadezhda Krupskaya, the words of which are given in the publication “the Light of Lenin’s ideas” (1968): “Robert E. was well, at that time, versed in Marxism, not only read “Capital” and what was in the Russian language and read some of Marx and in the foreign editions”.
Krupskaya also attended the circle Klasson. Robert E. and introduced her to Vladimir Ulyanov. If you believe Nikolai Zenkovich, author of the book “the Most secret relatives” once Klasson and Krupskaya met by chance on the street. Young Marxist was invited to the Hope that then taught at the school for working youth, at the next meeting, saying that everyone is expecting the arrival of “one of Volzhanin”, which was Lenin. Subsequently, as claimed by the famous revolutionary Elena Stasova, the circle members were looking for their arrested comrades “grooms” and “brides”. I. being in prison, also expressed a desire to visit the bride. For this role agreed Krupskaya.
Klasson and electricity
But if Nadezhda Krupskaya and Vladimir Ulyanov their former obleceniy not quit, Robert Klasson eventually withdrew from politics. His began to take the electricity. Brilliantly graduating in 1891, St. Petersburg Institute of technology, Klasson went to Germany to improve their knowledge in the field of electrical engineering. As reported by Simon Ilizarov, Zinaida Sokolovskaya and Alexei Bogolyubov in the edition of “Creators of technology and town-planners of Moscow (until the early twentieth century)” as an engineer, Robert E. under the direction of M. O. Dolivo-Dobrovolsky was involved in the construction of the world’s first three-phase power from Laufen to Frankfurt.
a Great contribution to the electrification did Klasson and at home. According to Sergey Kremlev, author of the book “Lenin. Savior and Creator”, Robert E. was built on the Okhtinskaya gunpowder factory, one of the first in Russia power plants three-phase current, and also oversaw construction of the largest power plants in the Moscow and St. Petersburg. He also took part in the electrification of the Baku oil fields, and in 1914 near Moscow Bogorodsk built the world’s first district power station “the Power”, who worked on the peat.
meanwhile, with Nadezhda Krupskaya and Vladimir Lenin Robert Klasson never broke. Moreover, the leader of the proletariat, as we know, had high hopes for the electrification of the country. As specified in 40 volume edition of “Vladimir Lenin. Complete works”, the electrification Lenin considered the only and shortest way of becoming ruined and backward country into a mighty socialist industrial power. It was on the initiative of Lenin was established the State Commission for electrification of Russia (GOELRO). It is clear that Klasson has not remained aloof from this work.
Even died Robert Klasson, we can say directly on the post. February 11, 1926, he spoke at the meeting of the Supreme economic Council (the Supreme Council of national economy). As he wrote Arkady Markin, in his book “Ocean force: past, present and future of energy of the USSR”, after giving a reChi is dedicated to the development of energy, Robert E. sat down with renowned engineer Alexander winter: they discussed the question of the construction of new polluting power plants. And suddenly Alexander saw the head of Robert E. helplessly fell on the table. 58-year-old Klasson died almost instantly due to heart failure.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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