Contents page 1 — Work until you are 70 should be normal page 2 — There’s a lot of money comes together On a page to read

This Text is an excerpt from the book “Let us work longer” by Alexander Hagelüken. It appears this Friday in the Droemer publishing house. Hagelüken is senior editor of the “süddeutsche Zeitung” and for economic policy.

In our time things are changing, the millennia, remained unchanged. 100 years ago hardly a means of Europeans was 100 years old. Today, who is 20, is, however, even with a 50% probability of 100-year-old. These incredible opportunities, however, are not hazards to if the company responds. Working longer is Central to a fair pension reform, which will save the System. But how does this work practically? There needs to be a change of Consciousness, that old is not the same as useless.

It needs to change much, in the minds of the workers, exactly as in the case of the company, the Older a long time on the backburner pushed. You need to create flexibility in lieu of retirement norm. And it offers needs to those who can’t work for so long. However, how exactly the Mechanics longer working should look like?

if you are looking for international models, will quickly find what. The Scandinavians began to generally early on aging. Sweden has the standard retirement abolished age years ago. You can apply at 61 with a pension, 64, 67. Depending on you is lower or higher. Those who work longer than 67, you receive more pensions. Such a flexibility could leave the retirement norm in Germany, where ordinary working contracts exactly with the day you get a full pension. Companies are set to low, someone to employ. Who wants to make part-time more, standing in front of closed doors.

“We need no rigid age limit”

flexibility to meet the needs of the workers. The Danes prohibit the company, therefore, the contract of employment stood automatically, with the rest to age. This is a model for the Federal Republic of Germany. “We need no rigid age limit, which requires the people, when the acquisition ends of life”, criticized the former Minister of labour, Norbert Blüm. The retirement standard in the employment contracts, each company would have to talk with the employees and plan for the long term. “It’s going to be a reversal of the burden of proof,” says Blüm. “Up to now, more work needs to be agreed. Otherwise, the conclusion, and without protection against dismissal is 65 years of age. Conversely, it would be more, and with protection from dismissal.”

one-half of all industrial countries, increases in the retirement age. Several States make it explicitly to the increase in life expectancy, which provides the best justification. The normal retirement age in Denmark will increase in the next ten years, to 68. In Sweden and Norway, it looks like this: as soon As someone wants to go into retirement, it is estimated that how long to be Born to live in the cut. If someone wants to stop, even though he is fit, he can without problems. If you stop already with 60, get less pension than someone who stops with 65 – and approximately half of the pensions of a, which remains even up to 70. Thus, the System pushes gently in the direction of be potential.

pension supplements provide an incentive to Work longer

flexibility and pension to life expectancy so that the System can be transformed. The employment contracts with the retirement abolish the norm, and so those that Continue to allow it. And then, through a significant pension premiums as an incentive to stay beyond the Moment, of the full old-age pensions – currently, this date comes at a good 65, and by 2030, 67, then later.

So that all of the now-Braked would live up to their potential. Who is doing only part-time, how many would wish could receive a partial pension. Anyone who retires early from the profession, although he could continue to work, can the after this Reform. He must pay for it with deductions from the pension. These deductions fall out all the more moderate the lower the distance, the age of full retirement pension. A group of researchers of the economist Timm Bönke shows that the retirement age can only push back if there are discounts. And that these appear to be much more gentle, as a General pension cuts. Higher haircuts lead to the Germans to work longer.

Such reductions are socially just. After all, why those who can work should, but stop just as high pensions as those who make more? In Germany, you could stop up in 1992, just without the loss of earlier – a strange understanding of Fairness. But what of those who can no longer really work?