"Requiem" by Verdi in "Helikon-Opera": reflections on life and death translated into Russian

Dialogue of eras through music and film: in “Helikon-Opera” is perhaps the most poignant premiere of “Requiem” by Giuseppe Verdi. Difficult to execute and the sense of philosophical work it is now clear to everyone: mass translated from Latin into Russian language especially for this production. The music and voices sound in the background of the terrible images of the Holocaust and the siege of Leningrad.

Theatrical as Opera, sincere as prayer: “Requiem” by Giuseppe Verdi — reflections on life and death.

“Prayer, where I ask eternal salvation: grant to us, o Lord, forgive us, save us, give us life after death,” — said the soloist of the Moscow musical theatre “Helikon-Opera” Irina Viknyna.

Requiem — a Requiem mass in memory of Italian writer Alessandro Manzoni. Verdi wrote it in the late nineteenth century. Today on stage of “Helikon Opera”, the work takes on new meaning. During the whole execution of the “Requiem” on the big screen — newsreel shots of the great Patriotic war, photos and videos of the tragic days of the Holocaust and the siege of Leningrad.

“I Want to show all the drama, the horror, the full depth of the tragedy of the great Patriotic war and the Holocaust to the audience, who all look, then forgot. But in order that he has not forgotten, including works of Verdi’s music, because it has a huge emotional impact,” — said the Director of the concert Sergey Novikov.

the combination of the music and newsreel documentary creates a dialogue of ages. Despite the great solos, the main role of the choir. A quiet, collective prayer in the early-to-mid works turns into a cry for help.

“People 150 should be choir — in the ideal. Of course, we have no such number, but we take quality. It can be said, a masterpiece and a check on the level. Not every chorus of this essay will,” said the chief chormeister of the Moscow musical theater “Helikon-Opera” Yevgeny Ilyin.

at the console of the orchestra conductor Vladimir Fedoseyev. Mass Verdi he performed many times but this for him is special.

“I did all the siege of Leningrad went through, I was 9 years old, and all these paintings of the so-called familiar to me. I live all those moments again from the beginning. For me it gets even worse,” he says.

this evening in “Helikon-Opera presented the award “Keepers of memory” for those who for many years fails to preserve the truth of the Holocaust, whom the terrible events of the affected person. Among the winners were Valentina Matvienko.

“the Shadow of the Holocaust touched my family. Father was at the front, and mom with older children were in the occupied territory. She’s a few months until the Nazis were ousted, was sheltered in the basement of our house Jewish family and thus saved them from certain death,” she said.

a Memorable evening at the theatre will take place today, and in September “Helikon-Opera” will premiere first in the history of Russian Opera in Hebrew.

Text: “to Conduct-Moscow”