Übervoll mit Pappbecher, Papiertüten, Trinkhalme und Essensüberresten ist ein Mülleimer an der Rheinuferpromenade in Düsseldorf ( Nordrhein-Westfalen) nach einem Tag mit Ausflugwetter. Wenn die Sonne scheint, zieht es Einheimische wie Touristen an die direkt am Rhein gelegenen, Fussgängern vorbehaltenen Promenade. Foto:Winfried Rothermel

There are already plenty of legal requirements, plastic bans, reusable quotas and minimum recycling. In real life, we stay well below that.

The lack of enforcement has occupied us for years. A particularly blatant example: In 2012, the German legislator decided that organic waste must be collected separately. Ten years later, there are still dozens of counties and major cities that don’t. In several others, people are told to please take the material to the recycling center.

On a nationwide average, the costs for thermal recycling of commercial waste are just over one hundred euros per tonne. In the case of municipal waste, this value is just under one hundred euros.