08.08.2022, Brandenburg, Beelitz: Ein Polizist inspiziert einen verunfallten Heißluftballon. Bei einem Unfall mit einem Heißluftballon ist am Montagabend ein Mann in Beelitz (Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark) ums Leben gekommen. Das sagte ein Polizeisprecher auf Anfrage. (zu dpa «Tödlicher Unfall mit Heißluftballon in Beelitz») Foto: Cevin Dettlaff/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

A waiting passenger died in an accident with a hot air balloon in Beelitz (Brandenburg). However, the hot air balloon did not crash, but got out of control on the balloon landing pad before take-off, as a police spokeswoman said on Tuesday morning. Accordingly, the balloon was attached to a car with a trailer and was probably carried away by a gust of wind across the field. The 69-year-old was hit on the ground by the constellation of car and trailer and fatally injured. The 59-year-old driver of the hot air balloon was in the balloon’s basket during the accident on Monday evening. The waiting passengers suffered a shock and were treated by emergency chaplains. The hot air balloon was getting ready for the ride and was due to take off shortly.

According to the spokesman for the West Police Department, Oliver Bergholz, the 69-year-old was hit by the car to which the balloon had been attached. He died on the spot.

Police are investigating who tied the balloon to the vehicle for manslaughter. The police secured evidence at the scene in the morning. An expert was on site in the morning to clarify the exact course of the accident.