CSD Christopher Street Day Koeln 2022 Symbolbild Demonstrationsschlild Protect Trans Kids - Beschuetzt Trans, Transgender Kinder, CSD - LGBT Community, Demonstranten beim diesjaehrigen Christopher Street Day fuer Gleichbereichtigung, Homosexualitaet un jegliche Art von Diskriminierung Koeln Nordrhein-Westfalen Deutschland *** CSD Christopher Street Day Koeln 2022 Symbol image Demonstration sign Protect Trans Kids Protects Trans, Transgender Kids, CSD LGBT Community, Demonstrators at this years Christopher Street Day for equality, homosexuality and any kind of discrimination Koeln Nordrhein Westfalen Germany

Small steps towards equality: in the Pakistani province of Sindh, there will be a trans quota in the public sector in the future. Authorities announced this on Tuesday.

It is the first quota of this kind for the South Asian country. In concrete terms, 0.5 percent of the jobs in the province of Sindh in southern Pakistan are to be occupied by trans people in the future. Authorities called this a “small but significant” step.

Trans people continue to face discrimination in conservative Muslim Pakistan. Many are rejected by their own families and have to survive through prostitution and begging.