Trotz Hitze in Berlin - Polizei räumt Columbia Bad, Großer Polizeieinsatz am späten Nachmittag am Sonnenbad Neukölln, der Betreiber ließ das Schwimmbad Räumen, nachdem Besucher Glassscherben im Schwimmbecken verteilt hatten. Der Betreiber bat die Polizei um Unterstützung beim Räumen des Schwimmbades, dass zu diesem Zeitpunkt nach Angaben der Polizei mit ca. 3000 bis 4000 Besucher gut gefüllt war. Zahlreiche Besucher standen noch Schlange und wollten in das Bad hineingelangen. Die Polizei machten Durchsagen auf Deutsch und Türkisch und bat darum die Eingänge frei zu halten damit die Besucher das Schwimmbad verlassen können. Berlin Neukölln Deutschland *** Despite the heat in Berlin Police evacuate Columbia Bad, Large police operation in the late afternoon at the sunbath Neukölln, the operator let the swimming pool clear after

Ten masked people ignited pyrotechnics and showed banners in front of the entrance to the summer pool on Columbiadamm in Neukölln on Wednesday morning. As the Berlin police announced on Thursday, they are supporters of a right-wing extremist youth organization.

The Young Nationalists, the youth organization of the NPD, published a picture of the campaign and a banner on their Telegram channel. They then demand a “mass deportation”.

According to the police, the group’s action violated the Assembly Act because the assembly had not been announced in advance.

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Civilian forces from the Berlin police were able to arrest two people from the fleeing group. The two men are a 25-year-old and a 28-year-old. The rest of the group managed to escape in a car. Now the state security is investigating.