Another 25/01/20 Nina Korovyakova: was La whether personal nurse sent Brezhnev KGB
Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev was always popular with women and was not faithful to his wife Victoria, whom he married in high school. They were talking about his relationships with singers, Actresses and even flight attendants. Latest amorous passion Communist party General Secretary became his personal nurse Nina Korovyakova, which was much younger than his patient. Who was this woman, who played, as it turned out, not the last role in the country’s history.
Three years with a nurse
Obvious health problems of the Brezhnev began after 4 years of working as a head of state. Therefore, near his office in the Kremlin in 1968 staged a medical post.
Since the beginning of 1973 the Kremlin one of the nurses was Nina Korovyakova. She was from Moscow and had a great professional experience, including served other senior members of the party. The imposing 42-year-old brunette, who knew how to put painless injections, so liked Leonid Ilyich that he gave up other nurses, and began to take Nina with me on holiday and overseas trip.
With the long affection of the Secretary General is concerned by the Politburo. In addition, the state of health of the leader has not improved. In 1976, after a two-month illness, Brezhnev, under pressure of the environment agreed to Korovyakova was replaced by another nurse. However, without “winning” the woman left – she was given a two-bedroom apartment, and her husband rose to the rank of General (in the year of Brezhnev’s death he was killed in an accident).
the Role Korovyakova
Nina Korovyakova sunk into the soul of Brezhnev, because it reminded him of “front wife” Tamara of Saverchenko.
“One of the nurses, as luck would have it, was young and beautiful, established with Brezhnev “special relationship” and he decided: “Let it be one,” recalled a guard of Secretary General Vladimir Medvedev.
Very Korovyakova did not deny that liked BrineWu, but a sexual relationship denied.
“a good relationship, trust! Leonid Ilyich was a good man. Interesting… We discussed many topics…” – said the nurse in 2016 in a single lifetime interview (for the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”).
However, the role Korovyakova, according to contemporaries, was far from harmless.
According to the head of the Fourth GU the Ministry of health of the USSR (“Kremlin hospital”), Yevgeny Chazov, “smart nurse” actually removed “from the body” Brezhnev his doctor Rodionova.
Insomnia of General Secretary, the nurse “treated” with injections of the sedative pentobarbital, which Brezhnev addicted. She also gave him other sedatives. It is believed that uncontrolled medical treatments has led to the fact that Leonid Brezhnev in the last years of his life lost his health and became a “parody of himself” because of the relaxation of face muscles.
the nurse claimed to have given the elderly the patient only medications prescribed by doctors, without resorting to drugs. It is possible that the woman is “cool leader” only for their own benefit, to keep longer influence on him, but there are other versions.
a Nurse from the KGB?
Who at that time was advantageous to make Brezhnev “the addict” (by the way, the origin of the drugs remains unclear)? It is likely that Nina Korovyakova “sent” one of the colleagues of the Secretary General, who wanted to quickly become his successor. As you know, in reality, Brezhnev was replaced by KGB chief Andropov.
Opinions about what Korovyakova was calabardina, adhered to by many, including the chief’s niece Love Brezhnev. She claimed that on the instructions of Andropov, a nurse not only gave Brezhnev a sleeping pill, but also distracted him from state Affairs. “Committee person” called Korovyakova and biographer Sergei Semanov, Brezhnev.
besides, It seem too categorical a statement of the doctor Chazov, that neither he nor Andropov was notand involved in the appointment of Korovyakova.
Suspension “last love” the Secretary General is also credited with Andropov – he allegedly frightened an excessive autonomy of the nurses who began to read the secret documents, to be present at the meeting between Brezhnev with politicians and, possibly, to influence state Affairs.
Timur Sagdiyev
© Russian Seven
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