History 17/01/20 Nadia Bogdanova, what heroism of the young pioneer-hero
that had experienced Nadezhda Bogdanova during the great Patriotic war, became known only in the early 1960-ies. It was then that a former guerrilla Feropont of Snisarenko on a radio show mentioned a schoolgirl Nadia Bogdanova. According to Slesarenko, the girl saved his life, and at least twice was sentenced by the Nazis to death.
Escape to the front
Nadezhda Bogdanova was born in December 1931. Who were the parents of a young partisan, the sources are silent: before the war, the girl grew up and was raised in an orphanage in the Belarusian city of Mogilev. After the attack on the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, the orphanage was evacuated to the Kirghiz SSR. However, according to Alexander Bondarenko, the author of the book “Young heroes of the Fatherland”, to the destination 9-year-old Nadia never made it: she, along with several teammates did sneak off the train in Vitebsk.
the Children wanted to go to the front, but fate brought them together with Belarusian partisans. So Bogdanova was in the partisan detachment, which was part of the 2nd Belarusian partisan brigade. Led a detachment of Ivan Dyachkov, who the little fellow was called simply “uncle Vanya.” The Germans could not have imagined that Nadia, who, pretending to be an ordinary beggar, day in and day loitering in the occupied Vitebsk, remembered the location of enemy troops and conveyed this information to the guerrillas.
Twice sentenced
In early November of 1941, Nadya Bogdanova and her friend Vanya Zvontsov got a new job. To the anniversary of the revolution they had set in Vitebsk, three red banner. The operation went smoothly: the scarlet banners at the appointed time he appeared at the railway station, the buildings of vocational school and a local factory. However, on the way back the children were captured by the Nazis. ZVOnzowa shot, and Nadia was so scared, she lost consciousness and she fell into the excavated grave. When he awoke, the girl got out from under the pile of bodies and returned to the guerrilla group.
This case was the first in the biography of Hope Bogdanova, when she narrowly escaped death. According to Andrey Grigoriev, in his book “Children-Heroes of the great Victory”, in the winter of 1943, a young partisan was again in the hands of the Germans. Nadia then participated in the bombing of the bridge. Grabbing the girl invaders found in her backpack explosive residue. He was tortured for several hours and then thrown out on the street. The Nazis were convinced that frail saboteur will not survive. But Nadia again survived.
After the war
However, as a result of torture Nadezhda Bogdanova virtually blind. Knowing that in this state it will only be a burden as a partisan of “uncle Vanya”, Nadia remained in the village. As stated in the publication “the pride of the Soviet Belarus” from the series “famous names Belaya Rus”, after the victory Bogdanov settled in Vitebsk, took the plant and even had surgery to restore vision. The ability to see Nadezhda Aleksandrovna returned in 1948, the famous academician Filatov. Despite the endured Bogdanova suffering for a long time she was not secretive about his partisan past: just do not think that her child deserves some special attention.
However, in early 1960-ies Nadezhda Bogdanova (in marriage Kruglov) together with his colleagues listened to the broadcast, which was made by a former guerrilla Ferapont of Snisarenko (according to others Slesarenko). During the interview, Snisarenko mentioned and Nadia Bogdanova, which saved his life. At this point, Kruglov said: “why, that’s me!”. So thanks to the radio about the exploits of Nadezhda Alexandrovna became known to the General public. Later, her name appeared in the book of honor of the Belarusian Republican pioneer organization named after Lenin.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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