Another 22/01/20”Muslim” GRU: why is it so feared Afghan “spooks”
During the stay of the combat units of the Soviet armed forces in Afghanistan in the 70s-80s years of the so-called “Muslim battalion” had acted from the beginning of this campaign until the conclusion of the limited contingent of Soviet troops from the DRA.
How many there were and on what basis was formed oospn
From the contents of the book the two Viktors – of Melyachenko and Markov “Afghanistan. War of the scouts” (excerpt from it concerning the formation of the Soviet special forces soldiers-Muslims, was quoted by the online resource of the Association of officers of special forces of the GRU) shows that this type of special special forces in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989 there were about a dozen.
the Principle of the formation of such oospn, according to the order of the chief of the GRU of the General staff of the USSR Peter Ivashutin was that the soldiers and officers were Uzbeks, Turkmens and Tajiks are representatives of nationalities, mental close to the Mujahideen. With them, each unit was made for the trainees of the Military Institute of foreign languages. But a significant number of members of the divisions of the Moslem forces knew Farsi – the language in which the spoken spooks and the local population of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
International ethnic composition of the Soviet special forces appropriately equipped and supplied with appropriate documents. Nationality Soviet military intelligence initially was not supposed to arouse suspicion: the representatives of these Nations in Afghanistan at the time was enough.
the storming of the Palace Amin
As written, the General-the major of KGB of the USSR Yuri Drozdov, who commanded at the end of December 1979, two units of the KGB during the storming of the Palace of the Afghan leader’s Hafizulla amine (legendary included in the textbooks of domestic intelligence services, the action “Storm-333”), in this operation was involved in thment of the order of 500 “indigenous nationalities” – the so-called “Muslim” special forces under the command of major Habib Halbaeva.
Before the storm people Halbaeva infiltrated the security Amin. Installed control systems antiaircraft protection of the Palace and tanks. The day before the storm GRU staged a “red herring” in the “Muslim battalion”, introduced in the protection of the amine with the Soviet officers (and along with asinovskii guards) – with delicacies, good alcohol.
“the Muslim battalion” 27 December 1979, took part in the storming of Amin’s Palace, initially providing the outer ring of the cover for other groups of special forces units of the KGB. As a result of this fire support, according to Yury Drozdov, was provided very good cover, without which casualties among the attackers would have been much more.
as a result of the storming of the Palace Amin was killed 5 people from “Muslim” to special forces and more than 30 wounded (most of them remained in the battle). Operation in total took less than an hour.
Where else are they fought
Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Bekov, which in the 80-ies as an Advisor of the Central Committee of the Communist party he was sent to Afghanistan, believed, citing as evidence the opinion of American popular diary The Washington Post, wrote in July 1979 about the viability of “Muslim” forces: these units were really the only successful groups who fought against the Mujahideen in the Soviet limited contingent – where they fought, operations were the most effective.
the Commander of a 177-th detachment of Muslim special forces Boris kerimbayev in his memoirs wrote about the biggest actions of his battalion, his men are actually for a long time dictated the conditions of the Ahmad Shah Massoud on the behavior of the Mujahideen in Andserson gorge. Massoud was at the time controlled a third of the territory of Afghanistan. As a result of negotiations between the parties felltrying to stop the fighting in Pandera, which ultimately saved the lives of hundreds of people, including Soviet military personnel.
the soldiers of the “Muslim” spetsnaz in the Afghan war played a crucial role not only as units of combat units and as a reconnaissance force and skillful negotiators, able to find common ground with the Mujahideen. In many situations, it was even more important than military solution to the problem.
Nicholas Syromyatnikov
© Russian Seven
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