(Mexico) A fortieth migrant was declared dead in the fire of a detention center on Tuesday March 28 in Ciudad Juarez, in northern Mexico on the border with the United States, the government announced on Monday.

The latest victim, whose nationality was not given, succumbed to his burns after being airlifted from Ciudad Juarez to a burn care center in the Mexico City capital, the Secretariat (Ministry) of Security said. .

The fire left a total of 27 injured, 23 of whom remain hospitalized, the government added. Five other injured were transferred to Mexico City.

Five people were arrested, including a migrant, in the homicide investigation.

The migrant is suspected of having set fire, apparently to a mattress in protest.

The other four people arrested are civil servants or security agents, suspected of having done nothing to help the migrants locked in their cell when the fire started.

A video published by several media shows three officers leaving, leaving the migrants behind bars in the smoke of the fire.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who visited Juarez on Friday, said there would be no “impunity”, but migrants clung to his car demanding justice.