In view of the midsummer heat, the Berlin bathing companies are reporting a large rush in the outdoor pools and problems with the online ticket shop again. As expected, the rush was also very large because of the holiday season, said spa spokesman Matthias Oloew of the dpa news agency early Tuesday afternoon.
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Nevertheless, there have been no significant difficulties in the pools so far – aggression and disputes like the last one have not yet become known. However, as was the case several times on hot days, the online ticket shop could not cope with the large rush and was already down again in the morning.
They are working at full speed to get the shop going again. “But we can not say how long it will take,” said Oloew. As a result, bathers would only have to resort to the pool registers, which would inevitably involve waiting times. One hopes that everything will work again on Wednesday, which is expected to be the hottest day of the year so far.
Oloew recommended families in particular to come to the baths very early in the coming days – not around 11 a.m. In addition, there are also bathrooms that are not always in great demand. One tip, for example, is the summer pool in Staaken-West. (dpa)