History 07/01/20 Lucas Semeniuk: how Belarusian ataman has created a “green state”
In 1919, the Belarusian leader Lucas Semeniuk, with a detachment of 50 cavalry, they created their own government, which is called peasant. It was built on the basis of the ideas of anarchism, but lasted only 2 months.
Old soldier
Lucas Semeniuk was born in Belarus near the town of Borisov. Had primary education and before the Civil war, 10 years served in the Russian Imperial army. After the signing of the Brest peace returned home and in August 1918 he headed the peasant partisan detachment, which operated in the Borisov district against the German occupying forces. Lack of education Lucas Semeniuk compensated for by experience and innate military acumen.
According to the memoirs of contemporaries, he was distinguished by great physical strength, cunning and knew how to read military maps. In November 1918, the peasants Kholopenichi parish chose Semeniuk military chieftain. After coming to power of the Bolsheviks in January 1919 he was arrested by the Cheka Borisov. In may 1919, during a convoy Semenyuk in Pishchalausky castle turned into prison, escaped and was sentenced in absentia to death.
the commander of the guerrilla
On the outside Semeniuk organized anti-Bolshevik partisans, recruited from local residents, who formerly served in the Imperial or the red army. All fighters know how to handle a gun and knew the terrain. The unit was listed as 50 riders, and when taking in the squad for every new fighter is guaranteed a few “old” partisans. He Semenyuk called his small army of “green” or “woodsman”. The squad was iron discipline, and before every action a chieftain, who was attracted by the ideas of anarchism and democracy, consulted with the soldiers.
Lucas Semeniuk attacked red road and knocked them out of the villages, the Borisov district. In the fall of 1919 in the vicinity of the village green Columns attacked and defeated OTRpoison red cavalry, which consisted of don Cossacks who supported Communist ideas. When to fight the guerrillas arrived fighters 465 th infantry regiment of the red Army, they had gone into the woods. Otto, a veteran of the Russian Federation and the Polish Republic of 1919—1920., The second World war, recalled: “the Intimidated by the bandits, the peasants were silent. However, painstaking explanatory work of the red army worked. The squad was issued several persons who were hiding in the village and, as it turned out, were members of a gang of Semeniuk”.
All the information ataman received from an extensive network of agents, which consisted of residents of Barysau and surrounding villages. With only 50 soldiers, Semeniuk during 1919 was able to clear from the Bolsheviks Kholopenichi and Borisov Krasnolutsky parish County and established in these territories, their “green power”.
the Green state
In June 1919 Semeniuk killed the head of the Executive Committee Zachistkoj volost of Borisov uyezd and dispersed local Bolshevik activists. At the meeting in the village hall zacesta the chieftain told the villagers: “probably Go home… Who have not finished, let them hurry to sow buckwheat and millet. Plant and process potatoes! The reaping begin!.. I live and work in your green peasant state! Taxes will not come on! While I live, Lucas Semenuk, offense you don’t. Looked the sun in our peasant the window! So home, uncle!”.
two months later, peasant state Semeniuk was sandwiched from two sides. From the West came the poles, and from the North and East came the 16th army of the red army units which began to enter the village of Borisov district. Ataman was forced to go into the forest, after which the “green state” Belarusian men ceased to exist.
the death of the chieftain
In late August, the poles broke through the Soviet front, and the squad Semeniuk with advancing lancers crossed to the left Bank of the Berezina river. According to the Belarusian writer Yuri Vitbich, Semeniuk participated in the Slutsk anti-Bolshevik revolt of 1920, in which he was killed.
Alexander Brazhnik
© Russian Seven
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