Asthma is one of the most chronic ailments that directly involve your lungs and the windpipes. An individual with asthma finds it extremely difficult to breathe with their inflamed or blocked airways. When this normally happens, the muscles present around the windpipe tighten extremely and this leads to certain symptoms. These symptoms involve coughing, wheezing, loss or shortness of breath, high respiratory rates, and increased heart beats. The disease is episodic in nature but the inflammation is always chronically present by default.

Who is normally affected by it?

It is estimated that around 300 million people suffer from asthma around the globe. And, it is also estimated that the number of people affected with it will cross more than 100 million by the end of 2025. People from all ages are affected by this disease. But more commonly, it is seen to develop from early childhood or adolescence.

What causes asthma mostly?

It is caused by a number of factors as the doctors have identified. But individuals who have sensitive airways can develop the symptoms right from inhaling polluted air, dust, hazardous gases or even strong smell and smoke. The airway is irritated through the passage of this air and this leads them to swell and block the air path.

What are the types of asthma?

The first type is the Exercise-Induced Asthma that results from normal people exercising a lot. But this is a type that is recoverable and should not stop one from being active. The other type of asthma is generally developed through genetics. If anyone from your family had it, chances are high it will get passed on to you. This can also happen to you if you have any past or present record of allergy. This type is allergic asthma. Another type is the childhood asthma developed right at young ages and another type is the occupational asthma resulting from inhaling harmful gases.

What are the risk factors involved?

There are certain risk factors that can worsen the situation and must be avoided in every possible way:

  • Aeroallergens that involve house dust mites, cockroaches, fungi, and companion animals.
  • Exercising
  • Biomass fuels
  • Pollen
  • Strong emotional expression
  • Respiratory infections that are viral in nature
  • Repeated colds

What are the common symptoms of asthma?

There are certain typical symptoms of asthma like:

  • Frequent wheezing and it happens normally more than once a month
  • Activities that induce coughing and wheezing
  • Repeated coughs at the time of night
  • No presence of seasonal variation in wheezing

What are the best possible treatments and prevention?

There has been no treatment discovery for asthma yet because it is mostly episodic and the inflammation is present chronically. But some common treatments help prevent the acute exacerbation that takes place. Today, doctors prefer using bronchodilators for treating asthma cases.

If you have been developing asthmatic symptoms lately, see a doctor and get it treated timely. Working out with asthma is possible with a specialist by your side.