in view of the precarious position of package offered Federal Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD) to a media report, according to a draft law, fair work conditions and better pay. As the Süddeutsche Zeitung reported, citing the draft, to be committed to the major parcel services, the social security contributions of their subcontractors to pay, if they cheat in the minimum wage.

The actual Client as messengers for proper working conditions in its Package, and the package offered to be responsible. Thus, the black market labour and illegal employment are to be curbed, it is said, therefore, in the draft law. Healing risking a dispute with the Federal Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier (CDU), who rejects the so-called subcontractor liability.

“It is a question of law and order in the labour market,” said salvation of the süddeutsche Zeitung. “We want to obligate the General contractor, in case of doubt, if the social insurance contributions are not collect by the subcontractors, also in liability.” That the industry is not good get paid, to be known, “and something has to change. But that social protection is undermined, for me, is completely unacceptable,” said Heil.