Biography 29/01/20 Julia Meltzer: what happened to the wife of the eldest son of Stalin
the Queen of spades is associated with a femme fatale that brings all sorts of disadvantages. With this character compared Vladimir Alliluev Yulia Meltzer, wife of Yakov Dzhugashvili. The matter, according to Alliluyeva, was not only in her appearance. Julia Isaakovna, not being too smart and uncultured, it seemed, literally bewitched the son of the leader.
a Previous marriage
In fact, the Isaakovna Julia Meltzer’s name was Judith. She, according to “Jewish encyclopedia”, was born in the family of a merchant of Odessa in 1911. However, Yuri Mukhin, the author of the book “the Tragedy of Stalin and his sons” argues that Meltzer was born at least 5 years earlier. Thus in 1917, when Isaac Meltzer decided to flee with his family abroad, Julia was about 11 years old. Plans of the merchant fell prevented the GPU. So when the girl grew up, the merchant decided it profitable to give his daughter in marriage for his friend, the owner of a Shoe factory. According to some sources this marriage Meltzer first became a mother.
Subsequently, Julia Meltzer left her husband, leaving him, according to Mukhin, in memory of the child. As the historian Nikolai Zenkovich in his book “the Most secret relatives” Meltzer joined a traveling troupe, which has become a dancer. Probably, in this role, Julia Isaakovna looked very impressive, as at some point she managed to charm high-ranking officer of the OGPU Nicholas Bassaraba. About this marriage Meltzer mentions Zenkovich. However, Sergo Beria, in his book “My father’s Commissar Beriya” took the marriage of Julia with Bessarabia to speculation.
the Queen of spades in the family leader
meanwhile, according to the record in the diary of M. Svanidze from 17 November 1935, which is given in the book Eugene Gusarov “Stalin lives” in the moment when Julia Isaakovna met Jacob Dzhugashvili, she actually bore the name of Bessarab. According to Svanidze, 30-32-year-old Julia Meltzer was older Dzhugashvili, Jr. If we consider the date of the diary entries that Meltzer was born not even in 1906, as suggested by Mukhin, and even earlier. Despite the Mature age, Julia is neither mind nor culture did not Shine. In particular Meltzer used to say that without her painted lips she feels naked. Historian Nikolai Zenkovich angry: “is that his (Stalin’s) daughter-in-law?”
Julia Meltzer really intermarried with the leader. Vladimir Alliluev, author of “Stalin – Allilueva. Chronicle of a family”, is confident that Meltzer was married to yourself Yakov Dzhugashvili, appearing to him one day with suitcases in hand. However, according to Svetlana Alliluyeva, Jacob loved, and Julia, and their daughter Galina, despite the fact that Stalin’s son to the wife of any sympathy harbored. Similarly treated Meltzer and Vladimir alliluyev, who wrote that the wife of Jacob is associated with the Queen of spades. Not only that, Julia was similar in appearance to this character, so also in the family with her arrival began the fighting. However, Meltzer it seemed only brought pleasure.
Rumors and accusations
For Julia Meltzer generally stretched trail of the most diverse and often unpleasant rumors. The Western press wrote about the fact that before to become the lawful wife of Yakov Dzhugashvili, Meltzer had been married at least 4 times. In addition Yulia Isaakovna suspected of having an affair with the chief bodyguard of Stalin, Nikolai Vlasik. Zenkovich says that everything that was reported in foreign Newspapers, reported to the leader. Certainly Stalin was not happy with such news. However, Sergo Beria, in his memoirs, says that these speculations had nothing to do with the real situation, and Julia Isaakovna was a decent woman.
meanwhile, Julia Meltzer was suspected of transferring the Germans of photos of Yakov Dzhugashvili. The fact that Stalin’s son during the great Patriotic war were captured, and his images, if believe Alexander Osokin, the author of the book “the Great mystery of the great Patriotic war”, the Nazis used for propaganda leaflets. In 1941, Meltzer was arrested on this occasion. On freedom, it was released only 2 years later. Despite the death of her husband, Meltzer, according to daughter Galina, who lived very noisy and fun almost to death. She died in 1968 from cancer.
Yulia Popova
© Russian Seven
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