ARCHIV - 15.07.2022, Rheinland-Pfalz, Trier: Ein Justizbediensteter begleitet den 52-jährigen Angeklagten (r) zum Prozess um die tödliche Amokfahrt in Trier in den Gerichtssaal des Landgerichts. Er war am 1. Dezember 2020 in einem Auto durch die Innenstadt von Trier gerast und hat dabei fünf Menschen getötet. Am 11.08.2022 forderte die Verteidigung die Unterbringung des Angeklagten in einer geschlossenen Psychiatrie. (zu dpa «Verteidigung im Prozess um Amokfahrt: Unterbringung in Psychiatrie») Foto: Harald Tittel/dpa - ACHTUNG: Personen wurden aus rechtlichen Gründen gepixelt +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

Almost exactly a year after the indictment was read out, the verdict in the trial for the Trier amok drive is expected on Tuesday (1 p.m.) before the district court of the Rhineland-Palatinate city.

The public prosecutor’s office accuses a 52-year-old of five counts of murder, attempted murder in 18 cases and dangerous and serious bodily harm in 14 cases. He is said to have raced through the pedestrian zone in his car on December 1, 2020.

Five people were killed directly, a 77-year-old died eleven months later. On his way through several streets, the perpetrator captured passers-by apparently indiscriminately, but deliberately at high speed.

An expert diagnosed him with delusional disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. The public prosecutor’s office demanded life imprisonment, a determination of the particular gravity of the guilt and placement in a psychiatric facility.