More and more people from Neukölln are getting involved in reducing traffic on their doorstep and thereby improving their own quality of life. An initiative for a so-called Kiezblock in the Harzer Kiez has recently been formed.
“As long-term residents, we feel heavily burdened by the heavy traffic in our neighborhood. Due to unsecured intersections and high speeds, we are exposed to the risk of a serious accident every day on our way to work, school, day care,” write the members of the initiative in a statement.
In it they refer to trucks driving through, speeding drivers and parked sidewalks. The Harzer Straße in particular is a hotspot for accidents at its many intersections. In addition to the danger from traffic, they see a high level of noise and pollution, which is harmful to the health of the residents.
In particular, the initiative refers to the future opening of the junction of the Autobahn 100: Then the through traffic in the neighborhood will increase drastically, they fear. Therefore, the activists are now collecting signatures and are looking for more supporters from the neighborhood who want to join the Ini.
The aim is to get the district assembly (BVV) to vote for a neighborhood block by means of a resident’s application – as has already happened for the neighboring Reuterkiez. Specifically, the residents are calling for the speed of cars and trucks to be reduced on all streets in the neighborhood.
[Once a week, lots of news from your neighborhood: The complete Neukölln newsletter is available at tagesspiegel.de/bezirke]
Zebra crossings, traffic lights, traffic islands and similar measures are intended to increase safety on the main roads, while at the same time roadblocks are intended to prevent the main roads from being bypassed by the neighborhood. In addition, the residents are in favor of more protected cycle paths and cycle lanes – and call for the Kiehlufer to be converted into a recreational area.
Anyone interested in getting involved in the initiative can send an email to harzer.kiez.block@posteo.net. Further information on the initiative for the Harzer Kiezblock and the Kiezblock initiatives can be found here.