The car You drive, to the satisfaction of your not-so-new, but it was clean and functional car. The only downside is that there is an engine under the hood, and you want to do something about climate change. Do you need to change on a car, or is it more durable, the old one, as long as you continue to use it?
well, The short answer to this question is yes, it meets all your needs. “You’d better get a new electric car to buy, with the old petrol or diesel car is to drive. Each electric car could, on average, the fleet’s in,” says Mary Reisinger of the Environment, a Dutch organisation for members of the public to advise on sustainability.
The precise answer, it is a lot harder to deal with. Because there are a lot of variables that can determine how environmentally friendly (or unfriendly) to a vehicle. And it all depends on what the numbers will be used. Take out the battery of an e-car. It takes a lot of energy (and therefore CO2) in order to produce it. So a lot of the energy that an electric car is in the showroom is a bit ‘dirtier’ than the brand new equivalent benzineversie next to it. Only if both cars are going to drive the e-cars are becoming a bit of a backlog, because per mile driven to the reduction of CO2 emissions will be lower.
The question is what is the break-even point is, and this is the last month of the semantic battles being waged. For example, about the battery. If you consider that up to five hundred times the discharge can be made of the capacity and so decreased that it is no longer usable, then it means that he will soon need to be replaced, so that the klimaatwinst partially reversed in. Take it to a Height of 500 km, does one recharge: over 500 times full discharging and charging, you are, in theory, after about 250,000 km to be replaced. But if you go out to a thousand charge and discharge cycles, the useable distance of up to half a million, and in the two-thousand-time increase the counter to one million in climate-friendly mileage. That’s a whole different story.