Holidays The 11-year-old Norwegian Luyckx from the Holidays has a Friday morning from serious injuries sustained in an accident near her home in the Snellegemsestraat. The girl who put out on the way to school, suddenly in the street, and it was – in the eyes of her mother – been hit by a car. She walked in, inter alia, a fractured skull on it. “That director is not to blame,” says dad, Steven.
I wanted to be every Friday morning after 8 hours of school leave. Her mother would bring her to the car, bring it. Since the car is on the other side of the stage, took the girl’s across. And without looking, causing them to an oncoming truck, did not see it coming. The driver in the direction of the center of the Holidays over, could I not avoid it. Her mother watched all of this happen, but it was an accident not to avoid. I was struck by the Mercedes van, and it was a heavy fall.
one day, When my wife called me, I immediately turned round and went home driving. With a lot of speed, I realize in retrospect, but I didn’t after all. On the way home, I called the emergency services. It was the angstigste minutes of my life.
Steven Luyckx
be The dad I was on my way to work, and got in the car, phone to his wife. “I thought, ” that’s our daughter, it is known to have had,” says Steven Luyckx. “I immediately turned and went home driving. With a lot of speed, I realize in retrospect, but I didn’t after all. On the way home, I called the emergency services. At the other end of the line, they asked for an explanation about the state of the South, but I could, of course, do not give up. It was the angstigste minutes of my life.”
Steven was still waiting for the emergency services, on-the-spot, and watched along with his wife and their daughter. “It was a relief when I heard her crying. It may sound strange, but it seemed at the time to come. I have also noticed that I was moving, which was a good sign.”