the Native of the Novosibirsk doctor Larisa Turhanovoy who died from the coronavirus, said NHS details of the disease and circumstances of death. Relatives are confident that the outcome would be different if women had the opportunity to go to the hospital earlier, however, in the infection Department head of therapeutic branch of polyclinic № 17 is formed only after the intervention of his sister.

— Put it on 2 June, at the insistence of sisters, because the chief doctor [of polyclinic № 17] initially said that it’s her problem. It is then she somehow imbued, — says Irina Priluk, daughter Larissa Turhanovoy. — I think if I had panicked and sent her to the hospital, if the doctor gave the sick-list, would be a different situation. And we are not doctors, unfortunately, cannot predict what and how. If not for my mother’s sister, who called and said, “If you don’t put and will begin to heal, you will have problems”, the mother probably would have died at home.