History 16/01/20 Many times tried to kill Grigori Rasputin
Without a doubt, Grigory Rasputin believed the most dark, sinister and mysterious figure in Russia in the early XX century. “The old man” and healer for the Royal family, the absolute majority of members of the highest society, he seemed a clever charlatan from the peasantry, a drunken libertine and a whip – a party to a non-denominational sect. As soon appeared at the Imperial court, the native of Tobolsk province began to receive threats.
the Enemies of Rasputin
Achieving extremely high status and, most importantly, full of the favour of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Rasputin, of course, well aware of all the risks. His whole soul hated the uncle of Nicholas II, Grand Prince Nikolay Mikhailovich and Chairman of the State Duma Mikhail Rodzianko, called the seer “disgusting sectarian” and “depraved man”. To survive, having such a high-ranking enemies, it was incredibly difficult.
it is not surprising that even before the legendary massacre at the Sink perpetrated in the Palace of Felix Yusupov by the owner with the assistance of the Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich and Deputy Vladimir Purishkevich on the night of 30 December 1916 in the Gregorian calendar, Rasputin survived several assassination attempts. The most famous occurred on 12 July 1914 in intercession, when being away from St. Petersburg under the pressure of their enemies, “elder” came to his native village on leave.
“Guts performed through the wound”
for the Sake of Rasputin’s murder some Chionia Guseva specially arrived from Tsaritsyn, pre-buying “an unknown Circassian or Armenian” a sharpened dagger. About two weeks the woman was out stalking his prey, until finally it took a moment for the fatal blow.
“Gusev was waiting for him and came up with the words: “Grigory Efimovich, you give God for a milostynku”. Rasputin began to search in his purse the coin. At this point Guseva stabbed Rasputin in the stomach is hidden under the scarf knife, wrote in his memoirs, the personal Secretary to the seer, Aron Simanovich. As Rasputin was wearing only a shirt, the knife pierced deeply into the body. Bellies, Rasputin ran to the house. Intestine was performed through the wound, and he held their hands. Guseva chased him, intending to punch him again. But Rasputin was still able to pick up a stick and knock the knife from Guseva from his hands. It was surrounded by a scene by the cries of men and badly beaten.”
“Yesterday afternoon, after lunch, saw Grigori Rasputin; he was walking home, I met him at the gate; under the shawl I had hidden the dagger. To him, I bowed. Once this dagger stabbed in the stomach, after which Rasputin ran away from me. I rushed him to strike a fatal blow, but he grabbed lying on the ground the shaft and it hit me on the head, why I immediately fell to the ground,” said Gusev interrogated.
so the attempt failed: the singer grabbed the witnesses came to the rescue, then guard it until the cops arrive, and inflicted the wound was, though dangerous, but not fatal – Rasputin survived. However, a month he had to spend in the Tyumen hospital.
the February revolution freed Gusev from the hospital for the mentally ill. Already under the Soviet regime, in 1919, she tried to kill the Patriarch Tikhon on the porch of the temple of Christ the Savior. And again unsuccessfully.
Under police guard,
Rasputin Himself called the organizer of the assassination of the monk-the black hundreds of Iliodor, with whom he originally was in a good relationship, but then three sheets quarreled and even once got into a fight. It was a very muddy character, also those currying the Emperor and the highest dignitaries. Victory in the conflict remained behind Rasputin. Of Iliodor defrocked and accused of “blasphemy, blasphemy, insulting his Majesty and the education of criminal community”.
it Often happens that Rasputin, that is, run up yourself, gain yourself detractors from scratch. He mhave actaly revenge including the deceived husbands whose wives “elder” seduced in the most unceremonious manner. Therefore, for the protection of Rasputin was organized a special service. The agents of police were on duty near his home, close not allowing anyone suspicious. The guards would always follow everywhere.
“During a night of drinking Rasputin had often been all sorts of misunderstandings and conflicts. They always ended smoothly, but only because I have already in advance taken precautions,” said Simonovic.
the Failed assassination attempt
In the book of Oleg Zhigankov “Grigory Rasputin: the truth and lies” is repeated quite a widespread assumption that the customers attempt in Pokrovskoe was Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich the chief of the gendarmerie corps Vladimir Dzhunkovsky.
another time to Rasputin broke drunk officers, having read about him exposing articles. Icy calm “elders” confused them. Rasputin as if nothing had happened was sitting on a chair in the center of the room and unexceptional tone told them to get out. Realizing that the scare of “gun” sudden invasion failed, the officers hastily retreated.
Once to Rasputin under the guise of petitioner came to the reception of the mysterious stranger. As told years later the daughter of a seer, the girl, her father immediately guessed the true purpose of the visit and, having become acquainted with a guest, pointed to her right hand: “I know that you’ve got there.”
In this situation, Rasputin once again acting not as he waited. The woman was confused, pulled from the clutches a revolver and dutifully gave it to the winner “psychic battle”.
the Tragic denouement
“One morning we saw Rasputin with one drinking binge in the “Villa rode” home — said Simonovic. On Kamennoostrovsky prospect was abandoned several large logs of wood in front of our car to cause a disaster. Fortunately, the driver had enough presence of mind and turned the car sideways. Itm moved one woman. The assassin fled.”
According to the Secretary, and this trap rigged the monk defrocked Iliodor.
On the other attempts to rid Russia of Rasputin’s preserved fragmentary information. The healer knocked on the car, tried to throw off a cliff and drown in the sea, trapped in the alley, sent him poisoned food. Every time luck was on the side of “the elder”.
However, luck could not last forever. But even famous murderers of Rasputin had seriously to try to implement his plan. Yusupov, Purishkevich and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, as you know, after a failed attempt to poison the healer cyanide shot him with a pistol, but the bullets did not kill, but only at the time Rasputin brought down. As shown by medical examination of the corpse, the favorite of the Royal family departed to the other world, drowned in the icy waters of the Malaya Nevka river, where he was thrown in an unconscious state. And Nicholas II, as predicted by “the elder” after his death did not last on the throne for three months.
Okunev Dmitry
© Russian Seven
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