History 23/01/20 How many are actually of Hitler’s troops destroyed the Red Army in Stalingrad
Data on how much damage was inflicted on the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad, destroyed how many troops, what were the losses, is still controversial. This is due to the fact that some part of society, including even professional historians, stubbornly clings to the old Soviet data.
Most frequently, especially in various official statements about the environment in Stalingrad 330 th German forces. Sometimes, and not thinking, talking about the capture of 330 thousand people.
the Origin of this figure is generally unclear and unsubstantiated. Because even in all the historical works of the Soviet period said that the environment was 240-250 thousand people. And indicate that this figure was unexpected for the Soviet command, because according to intelligence estimates, the grouping of the Wehrmacht in Stalingrad was no more than 100 thousand people, and initially believed that the “pot” hit 80-90 thousand.
In the book of academician A. M. Samsonov’s Stalingrad battle data about the German losses are limited to 140 thousand soldiers and officers. The prisoner was about 91 thousand people. In the most detailed and fundamental work of the Soviet period “the Great victory on the Volga”, edited by K. K. Rokossovsky, provides the exact figures for the number of weapons and equipment, up to 397 kilometres of telephone cable and 13 787 carts. According to this book captured was taken as the 91 thousand people, provided that the aircraft of the “pot” has taken 42 thousand sick and wounded, and the total losses are estimated at 120 thousand killed. These figures and uses Isayev’s book, “Stalingrad. Beyond the Volga land for us there.”
In the book by G. K. Zhukov, “Memoirs and reflections”, the author decided enemy to be spared, and indicated the total loss in the battle of Stalingrad in “1.5 million people, up to 3,500 tanks and assault guns, 12 thousand guns and mortars, up to 3 thousand aircraft and a large number of other equipment”.
for More accurate information on the battle of Stalingrad can be found in the book by A. Panin “Stalingrad. Forgotten battle”, which contained many previously unpublished data.
However, it is safe to say that the exact figures about the German losses in Stalingrad and never will be. All the data will contradict each other. This is due to the fact that many reports surrounded in Stalingrad parts were deliberately inflated. The reason for this was merely an attempt to obtain more food and ammunition. In addition, the official statements are concerned only military units and German personnel. But in their structure there were the so-called “Jivi”, that is, the support staff from among Soviet citizens. There were also the auxiliary division of the Cossacks. In addition to the military units was the large number of support services Todt. The presence of a “pot” of the Romanian parts also contributed to the confusion.
there is No reason to question information about 147 200 killed, found and buried, after the surrender, but who exactly were these dead, is uncertain. The quantity removed from the boiler wounded varies according to German sources, from 29 to 42.
Another of the exact number, is the number of prisoners. They were 91 545 people, of which about 2,500 officers, 23 General and one field Marshal. Only about five thousand captives returned to Germany.
surrounded In Stalingrad were: the headquarters of the German 6th army, five corps headquarters, 13 infantry, 1 Chasseurs, 3 motorized and 3 Panzer division (German), Romanian cavalry and infantry regiment of Croatian infantry regiment, 4 division assault guns, 13 artillery battalions, and 3 regiments of rocket launchers, 3 anti-aircraft artillery and 3 anti-tank battalion, 21 sapper, pontoon and construction battalion, and other units. It should be added that at the beginning of operation “Uranus” the number of German infantry divisions were not more than 6-7 youSands of people.
All of these units and was destroyed. Some divisions on the personal orders of Hitler and then was restored under the same numbers.
we should also focus on the number of tanks, which always causes the greatest interest among readers. In the Wikipedia article about the battle of Stalingrad indicated that the “pot” captured tanks 1666, referring to A. Isaev that all the data was taken from the book “the Great victory on the Volga”. And there they are given with reference to the book by G. Derra, “the Campaign to Stalingrad”. In the book of Derra no such figures and no tanks, which would allow them to count.
at the beginning of operation Uranus Soviet forces in opposing junctions of the Wehrmacht was 219 German tanks and about a hundred Romanian. 48 assault guns. The truth is a number of serviceable machines, and not all of them were in the “pot”. In addition, as you might guess, we are not talking about combat-ready tanks, and mostly about hit. Including may be those that were hit in September-October. But in this case, the number of tanks seem to be overpriced, in General, traditionally, Soviet historians.
the Defeat at Stalingrad was a severe blow to the Germans. During the operation “Uranus” has ceased to exist 20 German divisions of the 172 that by 1 November 1942 operated on the Eastern front. Nothing like this has happened until the defeat of Germany in 1945. Although the Soviet historians wrote about dozens of “defeated” German divisions in the later years of the war, but it was, to put it mildly, an exaggeration. Because all these “defeated” in subsequent boilers division continued to fight on the front.
to Recover from the defeat of the army of Paulus Germany failed.
Cyril Shishkin
© Russian Seven
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