Science and Planet of Today’s strike and demonstrate to millions of people worldwide and for the environment. The klimaatstaking it was a year ago, made by a Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg. What makes her so successful? In a statement, in the five archetypes. 1. The girl

Greta Thunberg), a shy, 15-year-old girl with a plait, went up in August last year, on a Friday, walked in with a cardboard sign in front of the Swedish parliament, in Stockholm, sat down and began a weekly “schoolstaking for the environment’ (motto:” why would you want to learn, if the world is fucked up is going?). A year later, she has over 2 million schoolstakers inspired 135landen, and as the leader of the klimaatbeweging to the European Parliament, the Us Congress and the United Nations will be made.

Thunberg has become a symbol of the younger generation, who are not to blame for global warming, but most from it will suffer.

It specifies its undeniable moral authority in the face of all that grey in the world leaders, which they blame to have little to do with the climate crisis. “You’re saying that you, more than anyone else, your kids would love. Nevertheless, it is robbing you of the future.” She is also a girl with very simple arguments, that they are out of the klimaatrapporten out. “I don’t want to listen to me, I want you to listen to the scientists,” she said this week at the Conference. It is like the foolish child that speaks the truth, speaking truth to power .
2.Media star

from The spectacular rise of the Thunberg (that is, they grow in eight months, an unknown 15-year-old, one of the most widely klimaatactivist in the world, and was received by pope Francis and the World Economic Forum in Davos, and has been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize has anything to do with the power of social media. Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, so they could have a huge crowd of fans (1.4 million followers on Twitter).

in Her new-found status as a celebrity, is Thunberg’s not in her sphere of the shot. She’s shy, doesn’t like to be a stand alone (which is where her passion for social media and to see themselves as ordinary christians, not as the leader of a movement. This week in New York, New York, on the eve of the Global Strike for the air-conditioning on Friday, she refused at a conference to speak as other speakers have already had said. They have said time and time again that it is the klimaatboodschap, not her.