Blauer Himmel umrahmt am 19.09.2016 in Berlin das Rathaus in Neukölln. Ein bislang Unbekannter hat am 19.09.2016 morgens im Rathaus mit einer Stichwaffe zwei Menschen verletzt. Ein Opfer ist Mitarbeiter des Rathauses, das zweite ein Wachschützer, wie ein Polizeisprecher mitteilte.. Foto: Paul Zinken/dpa ++ +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

In view of the impending dramatic bottlenecks, private individuals, public institutions, business people and companies should save energy in the coming months. The Berlin Senate commissioned a task force to determine where energy could be saved. Results are to be presented in August.

While the district offices are waiting for the proposals from the Senate’s task force, they are already thinking about potential savings.

Coal phase-out, climate change, sector coupling: The briefing for the energy and climate sector. For decision makers

For example, Neukölln will no longer allow four district-owned buildings to be illuminated at night – the town hall, the ensemble around the citizens and registry office in Blaschkoallee, the Gropiusstadt community center and the Britz Castle. A spokesman said on request that savings in general have been examined for many years, for example in the case of renovation work.

The districts also see potential in the heating and lighting of office buildings: In Marzahn-Hellersdorf, for example, they are considering making employees work from home again in winter and not heating unused areas.

Neukölln and Treptow-Köpenick, for example, also want to lower the temperature in rooms that are in use – but are restricted by the workplace ordinance, which stipulates a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius in offices. “A reduction of one to two degrees Celsius could certainly be implemented without any problems, but that would require the federal government to change the workplace ordinance,” it said.

Treptow-Köpenick is also examining whether the administrative staff’s working hours can be shifted so that they fall within periods of natural light. Here, too, unused rooms should be heated less.