The Löwenbrücke in Berlin’s Tiergarten is supposed to – but now really, no joke! – to be rebuilt. The Tagesspiegel newsletter for Berlin-Mitte reports on this in its latest issue. It is now available in full length here:
The building was once located in Berlin’s Tiergarten between Neuer See and Großer Stern, but was unfortunately rotten and shaky and was closed in 2008. Since then, the suspension bridge with the striking lion heads has been in need of renovation.
It’s 18 meters from one bank to the other. In 2014, it finally had to be completely “dismantled”, as demolition measures are called. Only the proud lions in the zoo stayed on site.
The planning for the new building dragged on, as reports in the Tagesspiegel show. In 2019, the new building for 2022 was announced here in the Tagesspiegel newsletter for Berlin-Mitte (“about 700,000 euros”) – and now it’s getting really serious.
These papers, which the Tagesspiegel newsletter discovered in the mountain of Berlin tenders, are very fresh: “New construction of the Löwenbrücke in Berlin-Mitte” says the tender from the house of Transport Senator Bettina Jarasch, Green, which is now used to search for construction companies , which will start in winter 2022/2023.
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Built in 1838 based on a design by Ludwig Ferdinand Hesse, the bridge is the oldest suspension bridge in Berlin and has seen many construction workers: it was destroyed during the war and had to be rebuilt in the 1950s.
So now the next reconstruction. If everything goes smoothly, the bridge should be ready in 2024/2025. “550 working days after placing the order,” says the papers. roar!
[Read more from Berlin-Mitte – once a week, with lots of tips, dates, links and neighborhood news:]
Here are the topics that you will find in the current issue.
– Affair about Mayor Stephan von Dassel: Thursday meets the BVV
– Not a nice train: Alex tram stopped again for weeks
– For a coffee at Brecht’s: Café at the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery opens again
– The tub is full: the underground pool is designed to catch water masses
– Residents run their own supermarket: dream of fair business
– Silver anniversary: Adlon’s new building turns 25
– Literature challenges football: the national team of authors plays against Red Star Berlin
– New anthology about “Berlin Childhoods”: reading excerpt in the newsletter and book presentation as an event tip
– Autumn Light and Volunteer Days: Where to get involved in Mitte
– Soup kitchen, cleanups, volunteer get-togethers in the boat on the Plötzensee, smartphone consultation hours
– “Sleeping outside is an art”: City guide shares insights into homelessness
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