ARCHIV - 16.08.2021, Bayern, München: Passanten mit Einkaufstüten gehen bei Nieselwetter durch die Fußgängerzone in der Innenstadt. Angesichts der hohen Inflation verzichtet eine Mehrheit der Bundesbürger bereits auf Shoppingtouren und spart Energie. (zu dpa «Umfrage: Viele Menschen sparen bei Shopping und Energieverbrauch») Foto: Peter Kneffel/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

In view of the high inflation, a majority of Germans are already giving up shopping trips and saving energy. This is the result of a representative survey by the YouGov institute on behalf of the German Press Agency, for which a good 2,000 people were interviewed in mid-August.

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61 percent of those surveyed stated that they were making their energy consumption more efficient, for example by switching on the eco mode for washing machines and dishwashers. 53 percent reduce their energy consumption by cooking or showering less. The gas price had risen sharply again in the past few days.

The majority of citizens are already saving elsewhere too. According to the survey, around half of those surveyed (51 percent) buy less clothing and electrical appliances. Accordingly, larger purchases such as a car or a kitchen are also being avoided at the moment (45 percent).