Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) has announced another energy security package. These include stricter requirements for filling the gas storage and activation of the lignite reserve, as Habeck said in Berlin on Thursday.
It is also about saving measures in public buildings and a mandatory “heating check”. Measures are also planned to save gas when heating apartments.
The provision for the winter must be strengthened, said Habeck. “We need staying power.” The background is that Russia is again delivering gas via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, but much less than possible. Habeck said Russia was an “uncertain cantonist” when it came to energy supplies.
According to Habeck, the storage levels should be 75 percent full by September 1st, 85 percent by October 1st instead of 80 percent as before and 95 percent by November 1st instead of 90 percent as before.
The lignite reserve is to be activated on October 1st, so far this has already been the case for the reserve at hard coal-fired power plants.
Habeck also spoke of a gas saving regulation in order to take gas out of the market if possible. Together with the Ministry of Transport, there should be a regulation that gives priority to coal and oil in rail transport.
The ministry also said that it makes sense not to heat rooms that are not used regularly, such as corridors, large halls, foyers or technical rooms – unless there are safety requirements.
For public facilities and office buildings, this should be regulated in regulations. In addition, discussions should be held with the social partners about further savings opportunities in the work and operational area.
More energy should also be saved in residential buildings. Tenants should also have more scope to save energy. According to the ministry, there are currently some contractual obligations to maintain a minimum temperature in rented rooms.