ARCHIV - 23.11.2021, Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe: Ein Drehstromzähler, aufgenommen in einem Haushalt. Verbraucherschützer wollen horrende Strom- und Gaspreise für Neukunden im Südwesten verhindern. (zu dpa «Verbraucherschützer wollen gegen hohe Energiepreise vorgehen») Foto: Uli Deck/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

According to the comparison portal Verivox, consumer prices for gas have reached new record levels. Gas costs have tripled year-on-year, Verivox announced on Wednesday. Although the federal government stated that the further development of the energy market is not foreseeable, Verivox nevertheless expects further price increases.

According to calculations by Verivox, the price level of August 2021 resulted in average costs of 1258 euros for a family with an annual consumption of 20,000 kilowatt hours. According to current prices, the same family would have to pay 3568 euros – “an increase of 184 percent,” said the comparison portal.

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“However, the price will rise significantly higher, because the wholesale prices for gas are currently well above this level,” analyzed the portal. “Therefore, consumers must be prepared for further price increases in the coming months.”

Added to this is the gas levy announced by the government, with which additional costs for importers due to missing deliveries from Russia are to be passed on to all gas customers, explained Verivox.

For the example family with an annual consumption of 20,000 kilowatt hours, “taking VAT into account, this means additional costs of between 357 and 1190 euros”.

However, the federal government explained that “in view of the uncertain and volatile situation on the energy markets”, the development of end consumer prices for gas, electricity and fuel cannot yet be mapped.