25.07.2022, Sachsen, Bad Schandau: Ein Hubschrauber mit einem Wassertank für Löscharbeiten aus der Luft ist im Einsatz bei einem Waldbrand. Im Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz weitet sich ein Waldbrand aus, der im Tschechischen Nationalpark Böhmische Schweiz ausgebrochen war. Für die Gemeinden Sebnitz und Bad Schandau löste das Landratsamt Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge am Montag eine Vorstufe zum Katastrophenalarm aus, wie ein Sprecher am Abend mitteilte. Foto: Christian Essler/xcitepress/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

A forest fire that broke out in the Czech National Park Bohemian Switzerland has now also reached Germany. From the area of ​​the Prebischtor in the Czech Republic, the fire spread at great speed to the Saxon Switzerland National Park, the responsible district office in Pirna announced on Monday evening. For the municipalities of Sebnitz and Bad Schandau, the district office triggered a disaster warning.

A total of 250 firefighters and 39 vehicles were on site for the large-scale operation. They were supported, among other things, by two helicopters from the state and federal police.

According to the district office, the operation was difficult because the area is inaccessible and there was a strong wind. According to the German weather service, wind peaks of up to 36 kilometers per hour were expected for the night.

The forest fire broke out in the Czech Republic on Sunday morning. On Monday, several dozen people were evacuated from a tourist resort, a scout camp and the villages of Mezna and Mezni Louka in the area on the border with Germany, according to Czech fire department spokesman Milan Rudolf.