History 09/01/20 that Sverdlov didn’t love Stalin
it would Seem that the answer lies on the surface of the great leader and “father” of the Soviet peoples all of these household treatments performed servants of the Kremlin. It was true, but not always. In his youth, when Stalin was an ordinary citizen of the Russian Empire, he (the man not the blue bloods) had to deal with “domestics”. As written, the legendary historian of Russian cuisine and biographer of Stalin, William Pokhlebkin (“kitchen of the century”, 2000), Joseph Dzhugashvili was always shunned and distanced themselves from everything connected with the kitchen, food preparation, dishwashing, etc., as is likely, “thought it was purely women’s work.”
Especially evident the disgust of Stalin in relation to the kitchen in 1913-1916., when he was expelled by the authorities of the Empire in the Turukhansk region of the Yenisei province. Bolshevik Dzhugashvili is not the first time was in exile for underground political work and participation in the “expropriation” (burglary, production of which went to the needs of the party). This time to live, he had with a fellow party — L. B. Kamenev and Y. M. Sverdlov, rather, that they had — Stalin was not the best companion.
at First, everything would be fine. Three men in a hut, filled with the consciousness of common fate and duty, they originally agreed that each performs in turn, and in equal amount of household duties in General, all rightly so. It was necessary to hunt, to fish, to bring groceries to the kitchen, cook them and wash dishes. But Stalin always refused and got out it was from washing dishes and cooking, and he didn’t want to even wash them!
after Eating, the future “leader of the people” simply ran out of the house. Of course, the result of this behavior, the Bolsheviks were scandals and quarrels — Sverdlov insisted on compliance with General rules. Less categorical was Kamenev — he washed dishes for Stalin (though if not for this it BAAtroponosti, did not have to get Joseph to wash the dishes — wouldn’t because he is dirty, he had whiskers knotted together, to take up washing dishes). Unfortunately for Kamenev, his helpfulness in the link still did not save him later from the repression.
soon After the outbreak of the revolution, Stalin was not prepared and did not wash the dishes even more so. In the 1920s, brought him food from the dining room of the Kremlin. By the way, not cooked, and nothing and his wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva, who considered himself to be a progressive Communist.
the House Stalin was the cook, preparing simple meals — Stalin gastronomic delights are not fond of. Wrote who has seen the life of Stalin, Henri Barbusse, “in a capitalist country nor a flat, or so the menu is not satisfied to the average employee”. Stalin eat soup, borscht and other simple soups, cereals (buckwheat, for example) with meat, chicken, fish, cheese, pasta, bread, fruits, biscuits, jelly and drank juice, tea (rarely and very moderately — alcoholic beverages). Everything in the dining rooms, only good quality products.
over the years, his culinary habits did not change, only during the war, as Stalin often had lunch with generals, the food was slightly more varied, and the feast invariably included Georgian, Azerbaijani and Armenian wines. Transcaucasian cuisine before the war, Stalin appeared in the menu only when he went to the South, where cooks were preparing mostly so.
And after 1945 the Eastern and Caucasian dishes began to appear more often. Said the experience of diplomatic feasts, on which the Soviet delegation has presented a Russian snacks to foreign visitors. Become addicted to them and Stalin: for example, black and red caviar, salted and smoked fish, roast game. The rest of your life (Stalin died in 1953) leader has treated himself prepared for him dishes, it is not painful thinking about him washing dishes and, apparently, forgetting the ill-fated Sverdlov, words him for dirty spoons in Turukhansk hut.
Konstantin DDmitriev
© Russian Seven
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