07.07.2019, Brandenburg, Byhlen: Feuerwehrfahrzeuge stehen im Wald. In Brandenburg hat die Feuerwehr zwei Waldbrände in der Nacht nicht unter Kontrolle bringen können. In der Lieberoser Heide (Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald) brenne es weiter auf rund 80 Hektar, sagte der Waldbrandschutzbeauftragte des Landes Brandenburg. Foto: Julian Stähle/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

About a week after the forest fire broke out in the Lieberoser Heide, the fire is out. Nests of embers continue to smolder in the soil of the moor area.

The district of Dahme-Spreewald lifted the major damage situation on Saturday. This ends the higher-level coordination and the number of emergency services is greatly reduced.

The fire broke out on Monday at the former military training area. Old ammunition in the ground made it difficult for firefighters to respond because they could not enter the site.

The situation was stable, the district announced on the sixth day of use. The flames are out. The number of firefighters was sharply reduced to around 20, as the spokeswoman for the district said.

According to the authorities, around 1,000 workers have been deployed since the fire broke out. The fire affected an area of ​​90 hectares – the size of about 125 football pitches.

“The embers will keep the fire brigade busy for the next few weeks,” said district fire chief Christian Liebe, according to the announcement. The small embers in the moor are still active and the area is exposed to intense heat. It burns underground at a depth of 15 to 20 centimeters.

According to Liebe, bog fires can hardly be extinguished. Therefore, drainage is hardly possible. “We can’t bring that much water here.”

District Administrator Stephan Loge (SPD) said: “With a view to the next major weather conditions, my concern for the Lieberose Heide is no less.” Great drought can increase the risk of forest fires again.