History 14/01/20 Like Fidel Castro wanted to make Sardinia the Italian “island of freedom”
Mid 60-ies of XX century was for all Europe a difficult time. The capitalist countries of the West was shaken by strikes by workers, the students and the attacks. Especially it was hot in Italy, where anarchists fought with the Central government and neo-fascist groups. Heavy is the situation in Sardinia. Temper the islanders traditionally hate Rome, has taken the idea of the left that also resulted in armed struggle with the government.
the Local semi-criminal gang of anarchists were killed by police and military, looting of the estate of the capitalists and with the ransom take the rich hostage. The establishment of a Communist bridgehead in the Mediterranean became interested in Soviet and Cuban intelligence. In 1967, Sardinia had all chances to become the new “Island of freedom”.
Help Cuba
Milanese publisher Feltrinelli Giangiacomo was an eccentric and popular in Europe a person. The writer adhered to the ultra-left views, and dreamed of a revolution in his native Italy. Giangiacomo was friends with Ho Chi Minh, Che Guevara and especially Fidel Castro. During the next trip to Cuba he assured Castro that we are able to arrange in Sardinia the revolution.
the Publisher had assured the Cuban leader that there is a full war leftist guerrillas and the Central government. The Sardinians hate capitalists and the Catholic Church. In 1966, the islanders threw stones at the motorcade of the Pope. Fidel Castro agreed to assist the Italian comrades, of course, after the approval of the curators from Moscow.
Fidel Castro with Sardinia
With the help of a prominent lawyer Janine Guiso publisher agreed to meet with the leader of the partisans of Sardinia, a former shepherd, 25-year-old Graziano, Masino. During the talks, which were attended by the leaders of the Roman anarchists, the Mezin have offered to lead a revolution. Tell himwhether that Cuba will help with money, weapons and instructors. He is only required to gather people, and after the victory he will become the European Fidel Castro.
Mesina agreed and promised under the gun to deliver 10 thousand ideological fighters. When the “Embassy” Roman Communists left Sardinia. Graziano began to organize the revolutionary troops and arms caches.
the Arrest of revolutionaries
the Uprising prevented the closest ally Graziano, Masino, Spaniard Miguel Atienza. Before becoming a partisan, he served in the French foreign Legion, deserted, hiding in Corsica, went to prison, where he became friends with Mazino. Together they escaped, went underground, began to plunder the wealthy and attack the police.
In June 1967 Atienza and several of his colleagues tried to arrest in the town of Orgosolo. In the shootout killed two police officers and Atienza, who was shot from rifles. Several of the raiders managed to take alive and on interrogation they have told you everything I knew about the impending revolution. At Mezin began the hunt, and the Sardinian mafia gave him up to police. Criminal leaders wanted to make, and a civil war on their island that did not help.
the Fate of revolutionaries
For raids and kidnapping Graziano, Masino received 30 years in prison. Several times, a failed revolutionary, fled but was caught and returned to the cell. In 2010, Mazino left to chance and became one of the resort attractions of Corsica. Old revolutionary told tourists the story of his life and drove them to places of “fighting glory”. In 2013, he was arrested for drug trafficking and the kidnapping of a local businessman.
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli in 1967 created the “group of guerrilla action.” When carrying out a terrorist attack on power lines in the town of Segrate revolutionary died by his own explosives.
Alexander Brazhnik
© Russian Seven
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