Several federal states want to have a say in the emergency plans, according to which gas would be distributed and rationed in the event of an acute shortage. In view of the considerable economic and social effects, this decision cannot be left to the Federal Network Agency alone, said Hamburg’s First Mayor, Peter Tschentscher (SPD), the “Welt”. “The federal government should involve the federal states in determining the baselines for prioritizing gas deliveries.”
It is about the heat and power supply for private consumers, but also about maintaining industrial production, on which the economy and many everyday goods depend, said Tschentscher.
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Because the production chains are complexly networked, it is important to correctly assess the practical effects. “The knowledge of the countries and the regional gas network operators is of great importance.”
Berlin’s Economics Senator Stephan Schwarz (independent) said that the Federal Network Agency was “clearly obliged” by law to make all the necessary preparations and to develop a basis for decision-making. But in an emergency, the decisions would affect the federal states. That is why they must be “seriously” included. The previous procedure let this “completely miss”.
The deputy CDU chairman Andreas Jung called on the federal government to provide guidelines. In an emergency, the central question would be “which sectors, product groups and supply chains are systemically relevant and therefore prioritized,” said Jung. The basic questions would be “value decisions” that could not be made by a head of authority.
At the weekend, the Federal Network Agency called on consumers to make more efforts to save energy so that Germany can get through the winter even if there is a gas shortage.
In the year to date, gas consumption is 14 percent lower than in the same period last year, said Klaus Müller, President of the German Press Agency. But you have to get closer to 20 percent.