10.08.2022, USA, New York: Donald Trump (r), ehemaliger Präsident der USA, verlässt den Trump Tower auf dem Weg zur New Yorker Generalstaatsanwaltschaft, wo er im Rahmen einer zivilrechtlichen Untersuchung aussagen muss. (zu dpa: "Nach Razzia bei Trump - Dokument soll unter Verschluss bleiben") Foto: Julia Nikhinson/AP/dpa +++ dpa-Bildfunk +++

According to an insider, before the search of former President Donald Trump’s estate, the FBI questioned two close advisers from Trump’s tenure about the secret documents seized there. Trump’s former White House aide Pat Cipollone and his deputy were previously questioned as part of the investigation into the sensitive documents, a person familiar with the matter said Tuesday.

It remained unclear when Cipollone was spoken to. His deputy Patrick Philbin was questioned in the spring, wrote the New York Times newspaper, which first reported on the matter.